Clerking Team
Our Clerking team has an outstanding reputation across the North Eastern Circuit and beyond. Feedback from clients, staff and legal directories highlight our friendly and welcoming qualities.
"The clerks are great and friendly and weathered COVID-19 particularly well with no interruptions. The clerks always take time to get to know their solicitors, which is remarkable given how fast-paced things are." "It is easy to get hold of the clerks and they respond promptly and efficiently. This has not changed during the lockdowns or pandemic generally, and a high standard of service has been maintained. Broadway House is a pleasure to deal with and they will go out of their way to ensure continuity of representation, even at very short notice." "They make instructions easy and are clear in respect of their costs and timescales for payment, making sure there is clarity for clients and no misunderstandings."
In 2022, we circulated an anonymous survey to see if we could improve on anything. 100% of staff voted that Chambers was a happy place to work.
We welcome CV’s to join our Clerking team. Want to find out more? Please email Helen Craven (Chambers Director) at hcraven@broadwayhouse.co.uk. All emails/applications will be treated with strictest confidence.