Equality and Diversity
Broadway House Chambers is committed to promoting equality and diversity in and out of the workplace. We do this by ensuring that our policy documents are updated and that all staff, pupils and tenants are aware of any changes. Broadway House Chambers values and respects each individual as an equal regardless of their gender, race, religion, sex, sexual orientation, age and ability.
For more information regarding this, please email clerks@broadwayhouse.co.uk
In January 2023, silks, juniors, staff and pupils were sent a Bar Standards Board Diversity Data Template. 10 members of staff/pupils responded out of 16 and 22 Barristers responded out of 68. This questionnaire was entirely optional and individuals were able to skip questions or select ‘prefer not to say’.
This information is updated on our website every 3 years in accordance with the Bar Standards Board guidelines. Therefore, new data will be published in January 2026.
“Why Gather Diversity Data?
Equality policies by themselves will not bring about equality. Through the collection and analysis of data chambers are in a position to ensure that checks can be made on whether or not policies and action plans are being implemented and whether or not they are working. Without data, it is impossible to establish the nature or extent of any inequality and therefore devise appropriate measures to reduce or remove it” (BSB: Handbook Equality Rules, p.19)