Stephen Wood KC
Head of Chambers - Call: 1991 | Silk: 2020
Stephen Wood KC
Qualifications: LL.B.(Hons)
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Stephen Wood KC is renowned for his expertise in the prosecution and defence of cases involving homicide and organised crime.
Prior to his appointment to Silk in 2020, Stephen was widely acknowledged as being one of the foremost juniors on Circuit. He excels as a trial advocate and is a formidable cross-examiner.
Stephen possesses excellent judgment married with an acute tactical awareness for all stages of the prosecution process.
Stephen’s encyclopaedic knowledge of criminal law, the sentencing provisions and of the Criminal Procedure Rules is acknowledged by other legal professionals and the judiciary; one Judge remarking that Stephen was a “..walking talking Archbold”. Accordingly, Stephen acts in an advisory capacity pre-charge in cases involving prosecutions where there is a novel issue of law.
Stephen’s practice now encompasses all aspects of serious and organised crime and the most serious cases of sexual offending. Described by a High Court Judge as a “first rate prosecutor”, Stephen is dedicated and hard-working and instils great confidence in those who work with him.
Stephen also works with screenplay writers and directors on television and film productions depicting court scenes. He was with the director on set during filming of the Crown Court scenes in the acclaimed Channel 4 series ‘National Treasure’ and advised the writer and director of the Netflix Drama “I Came By”.
"Stephen has a 'hands-on' style and is always willing to advise”.
"Stephen is always well prepared and approachable and has offered a high level of service ”.
"Stephen Wood KC is ‘well-prepared and courageous in court’ and ‘devastating in cross-examination’, with an established track record in prosecuting and defending in a wide range of serious criminal matters”.
"Stephen is a fearless cross-examiner and his jury speeches are perfectly pitched. He is a good operator, tactically astute. Juries love him”.
"Stephen Wood KC is a well-regarded practitioner with experience on both the prosecution and defence sides of criminal proceedings. He has experience handling serious criminal cases including murder and sexual offences. He is a Grade 4 prosecutor who appears in the Crown Court and the Court of Appeal”.
"He is a fluent advocate and has great ability at enabling juries to understand complex issues. A tactically astute silk who is great with clients”.
"He prosecutes serious cases extremely effectively in a calm, understated, and fair-minded way. He is highly organised. His cross examinations are focused, and to the point. He stands his ground with judges and is good at maintaining his case strategy. He is engaging with juries. He obviously commands the respect of those who instruct him and his opponents”.
"Stephen Wood has an extensive criminal defence practice”.
"Highly rated for serious crime defence”.
"Stephen Wood is ‘good with difficult clients’ with experience in fraud and conspiracy”.
"An excellent choice for heavy crime”.
" “Very Good with difficult clients… Well followed as a serious crime defender”.
" Always has an ace up his sleeve when defending heavy crime”.
Stephen is instructed in an advisory capacity and for advocacy in all aspects of serious crime and including offences with novel points of law. His experience includes:
• Child sexual exploitation and trafficking;
• Serious drug offences;
• Firearm offences
• Organised crime;
• Murder and manslaughter;
• Terrorism.
Stephen prosecutes and defends at every stage of the criminal process, from pre-charge advice for prosecuting authorities and individuals and companies subject to investigation, to representation at trial and at any appeal.
Stephen is also instructed to advise upon and conduct cases before the Administrative Court and appellate courts concerning judicial review of matters relating to criminal law.
Stephen also acts as an advocacy trainer.
Notable Cases
R v Steven Francis (2025) - Leeds Crown Court
Stephen Wood KC leading Abigail Langford were instructed by Yorkshire and Humberside CPS to prosecute Francis for the brutal murder of a woman and the rapes of a further woman. The defendant was convicted of all counts and was sentenced to life imprisonment and ordered to serve a minimum term of 28 years.
R v Leon Smith (2024) - Hull Crown Court
Murder Acquittal. Following a trial that lasted approximately 4 weeks, Stephen Wood KC and his Junior Charlotte Baines of Wilberforce Chambers Hull, secured an acquittal for their client Leon Smith. Mr Smith was found not guilty of both murder and the alternative manslaughter.
R v Jason Gowen (2024) - Preston Crown Court
Stephen Wood KC prosecuted Gowen who strangled and smothered a mother-of-two to death after already being on bail for attacking another woman. Gowen received a life sentence with a minimum term of 20 years. News Coverage:
R v Anon (2024) - Leeds Crown Court
Stephen led Abigail Langford prosecuted two teenagers for hacking to death Harley Brown, using machetes. News Coverage: chance-meeting-outside-huddersfield-shop-13033725
R v Mark Vaskouski (2024) - Hull Crown Court
Defendant convicted of murder having assaulted victim and left him in a flat which was already on fire causing death. News Coverage:
R v Feve, Wattam and ors (2023) - Hull Crown Court
Led Clare Walsh and successfully prosecuted defendants for Murder, Manslaughter and Perverting the Course of Justice. News coverage: and
Rex v Moyo, Gill and Rehman (2023)- Sheffield Crown Court
Instructed by Yorkshire and Humberside Complex CPS Complex Casework Unit, this was the first case to be prosecuted in the United Kingdom involving the production of functioning sub-machine guns using a 3D printer.
R v X (2023)- Bradford Crown Court
Defending mother for attempted murder of very young child.
R v Selmani & Senia (2023)- Sheffield Crown Court
Instructed to prosecute in the retrial for the manslaughter of Armend Xhika. Selmani was sentenced to 20 years and Senia 13 years and four months.
R v Jabari Fanty and Others (2022)
Sheffield Crown Court, Prosecution, Obtained convictions after trial of all Defendants on all counts for murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to possess modified firearms and ammunition with intent to endanger life, and conspiracy to supply controlled drugs of Class A. One of the most complex cases to be investigated by South Yorkshire Police. Instructed by Yorkshire and Humberside Complex Casework Unit.
R v Butt (2021)- Leeds Crown Court
Prosecution: Killing using motor car as weapon
And before the Court of Appeal (Criminal Division)
R v Taylor Meanley and Others (2021)
Prosecution: Execution of rival gang member using ‘slam gun’.
R v Jaspal Marwaha (2021) – Leeds Crown Court
Prosecution: Advising on charge and prosecuting first prosecution of its kind involving ‘Airbow’ weapon and verdict establishing weapon was ‘firearm’ withing meaning of Firearms Act 1968
R v Mottershead and Others (2021) – Sheffield Crown Court
Prosecution: Gangland shooting
R v X (2020)– Bradford Crown Court
Prosecution: Mother suffocating children.
R v Lloyd Birkby (2020) – Bradford Crown Court
Defence: Death caused by throwing mobile phone at victim.
R v Paul Crowther (2020) – Leeds Crown Court
Defence: Killing by Defendant who heard voices commanding him.
R v Stephen Dunford & Others (2020) – Sheffield Crown Court
Prosecution: Series of gangland related shootings, culminating in shooting of 12 year old boy.
R v Sharples (2020) – Liverpool Crown Court
Defence: Murder by mixed martial artist.
R v Ian Watkins (2019)– Leeds Crown Court
Prosecution: Offences committed by former lead singer of The LostProphets in prison.
R v Crossland (2019) – York Crown Court
Prosecution: Largest ever haul of IIOC in North Yorkshire and Firearms offences.
R v John Taylor (2018) – Leeds Crown Court
Prosecution: Cold case review of serious sexual offences committed by Defendant already serving life for murder.
R v Neil Taggart – Leeds Crown Court
Defence of former Lord Mayor of Leeds
Michelle Colborne KC
Call: 1993 | Silk: 2010
Michelle Colborne KC
LL.B (Hons), University of Wales
North Eastern Circuit
Gray’s Inn
T: 01274 722 560
Michelle was called to the Bar in 1993 and took Silk in 2010. Michelle is one of the leading criminal practitioners on the North Eastern Circuit for the prosecution and defence and has particular specialisms in homicide, baby death and serious sexual offences.
Michelle has a particular interest in representing vulnerable defendants and those charged with offences committed whilst mentally ill.
Michelle presents seminars and has spoken at conferences about Child Sexual Exploitation including a presentation on behalf of Victim Support Northern Ireland to the Irish Judiciary Bar and Probation based on Vulnerable Witnesses and Empowerment.
Michelle is an advocacy trainer for the North Eastern Circuit.
Other notable seminars include the psychology of the criminal mind and the issue of consent.
Michelle is involved in providing guidance and advice on the issues of consent and protection issues to sports clubs seeking to support young players and staff.
Michelle is also an open water swimming coach and established ‘Take the Plunge’, where she hosts open water swimming and mindfulness sessions. She works with Mental Health Swims and hosts monthly swims in the Yorkshire Dales.
Michelle is renowned for her work in the Rotherham Child Sexual Abuse trials; the Prosecution of Alexander Smith (Gangland Murder); the Murder Acquittal of Trevor Isles; Prosecuting one of the First Forced Marriage cases taking place abroad (Bangladesh) under S121 of the Antisocial Behaviour Crime & Policing Act 2014; Prosecution of Frank Cochran for sexual assault and coercive or controlling behaviour and the recent defence of Keegan Barnes (Murder Acquittal and conviction for Manslaughter).
Notable Cases
R v A Sheikh and ors (2024, Leeds Crown Court)
Defence - causing or allowing a vulnerable adult to suffer serious physical harm. A Court of Appeal judgement was handed down and convictions against the Sheikhs were overturned. Complex legal issues.
R v M (2024, Bradford Crown Court)
Defence - defendant was acquitted of the murder of his brother, having admitted killing him during a fight. He was sentenced to 5 years imprisonment.
R v Smalley and Leaning (2024, Hull Crown Court)
Successful prosecution of two defendants convicted of murder and manslaughter. Leading Laura McBride
R v Ibbitson (2023, Leeds Crown Court)
The prosecution of Ibbitson, leading Abdul Shakoor, for sadistic murder of Jennifer Andrews. Ibbitson was handed a life sentence with a minimum term of 29 years.
R v Arif Choudhury (2023, Bradford Crown Court)
Prosecution of Choudhury, leading Peter Hampton (now HHJ Hampton, for serious rape case. Choudhury had previously evaded trial with grooming gang by fleeing to Bangladesh. Defendant received 8 years imprisonment.
R v Rehman (2023, Leeds Crown Court)
Defence Counsel in the UK's first prosecution relating to the manufacture of functioning sub-machine guns using a 3D printer. Michelle Colborne KC and Laura McBride defended Majeeb Rehman who was convicted of conspiracy to transfer a prohibited firearm but was cleared of possessing ammunition without a certificate
R v John Woodliff (2022, Leeds Crown Court)
Michelle led Laura McBride in the successful defence of John Woodliff who had been charged fraud alongside former MP Jared O'Mara. Woodliff was found not guilty.
Keegan Barnes (2022, Teesside Crown Court)
Michelle defended Keegan Barnes in an allegation of murder. The jury acquitted the defendant of murder and convicted her of manslaughter by a majority
R v Barbara Coombes (2018, Manchester Crown Square)
Michelle prosecuted Barbara Coombes for the manslaughter of her father 15 years prior to the discovery of the body.
R v Hussain & Others (2016, Rotherham Grooming Trial)
Michelle led Peter Hampton and Laura McBride in the prosecution of six people, including three brothers and their uncle who were convicted of the "systematic" sexual abuse of teenage girls in Rotherham.
R v H (2012, Bradford Crown Court)
This case was the successful defence of a transgender individual who was subject to allegations of historic and recent sexual abuse. The Defendant and witnesses had special educational needs and intermediaries were required throughout the trial. In addition the case involved careful, sensitive cross-examination of a child who was a self-elect mute.
R v Lindo (2011, Bradford Crown Court)
Michelle Colborne QC (leading Nigel Hamilton) acted as leading counsel for the prosecution where the major issue was loss of control. The Defendant had brutally killed his partner, the mother of his children, storing her body in a suitcase for 2 months whilst assuming her identity via Facebook and telephone contact. The Defendant was convicted of murder.
COURT OF APPEAL R v Carey and others [2006] EWCA Crim 17
This appeal is the leading case in Unlawful Act Manslaughter. Michelle represented a teenage Defendant in the Crown Court and before the Court of Appeal charged with manslaughter of another teenage girl who had an undiagnosed heart defect. The case limits the use by the Prosecution of the offence of affray as the “unlawful and dangerous act” in manslaughter cases.
Rodney Ferm
Call: 1972
Rodney Ferm
North Eastern Circuit
B.A. (Oxon)
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Rodney Ferm specialises in criminal law and is a respected presence in the Crown Court. His experience extends not only to defending serious fraud and sexual offences, including indecency and rape, but to over 100 murder cases. Rodney can be relied upon to provide an outstanding advocacy service in very difficult circumstances. Celebrating his 50th year at the Bar in 2022, Rodney’s diary remains busy with the highest quality work.
Rodney is a senior junior who has been practising at the highest level for many years. He has been ranked in the Legal 500 for a number of years. ‘Rodney has an exceptionally quick mind. An efficient advocate with the respect of the judiciary’ (Legal 500, 2022) ‘Advocacy always of the highest quality’ (Legal 500)
Rodney has particular skills in cross examining expert witnesses given his long experience in such cross examinations over his many years in practice in matrimonial finance, professional and clinical negligence and personal injury cases.
Notable Cases
R v H (2024): Bradford Crown Court. Causing death by careless driving - Suspended Sentence
R v Q (2024): Bradford Crown Court. Possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs – Acquitted
R v A (2024): York Crown Court. Conspiracy to commit Kidnap and Robbery – Acquitted
R v Flint (2024): Leeds Crown Court. Possession with intent to supply Class A Drugs (64 Kilos) - Sentence 7 Years
R v Bashir (2023): Bradford Crown Court. Conspiracy to Supply Heroin (33 kilos) / Sentence: 9 month Suspended sentence
R v Ogie (2023): Leeds Crown Court. Murder – Cross examined all 3 other Defendants in cutthroat defence
R v Fitzpatrick (2023): Durham Crown Court. Leading Junior Encrochat Trial being Concerned in supply of Class a Drug (Minimum of 15 Kilo); threats to kill and Blackmail
R v M (2023): Bradford Crown Court. Rape and Serious Sex offences
R v Beech (2023) – Money laundering as banker to an organised crime group totalling £15,000,000.
R v Sekula (2022)(Murder)
R v Badwal (2022) (Murder)
R v Skelly (2022) (Fraud) – leading junior
R v Neal (2021) (15 counts of rape) – leading junior
R v Selvage (2021) (Murder)
R v Ismail (2021) (Court of Appeal) – 17 years reduced to 11 years for perverting course of justice in a gangland murder case as leading junior.
R v Khan & ors (2019): Bradford Crown Court. Leading junior for Salman Ismail in the notorious “Meggy Murder Trial” (Mohammed Nisar Khan).
R v Peter Bacon (2017): Sheffield Crown Court. Manslaughter, prosecuted by a Silk – verdict Not Guilty.
R v Anon (2019): Defence in first ever forced marriage prosecution in the UK. Forced marriage: Leeds parents jailed over [][2]
David McGonigal
Call: 1982
David McGonigal
B.A. (Hons)
Gray’s Inn
Legal Aid Supplier Number 8555Z
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
David McGonigal has over 30 years’ experience acting for both the prosecution and defence at all levels of the criminal courts and in all offences regularly tried there.
He is a Grade 4 prosecutor. His experience allows him to adapt to the individual defendant or witness and decide the best approach to obtain the desired result. His familiarity with the use of expert evidence, whether for the prosecution or defence, allows him to extract the relevant material clearly and concisely for a jury to understand.
After 35 plus years at the Bar he still enjoys and looks forward to the next case.
David is a senior member of the Criminal Team.
Over recent years David has been instructed at all serious levels of criminal activity – serious violence, drugs, serious sexual assaults, frauds and people trafficking and related offences. In the last year he has defended in attempted murders and cases of serious violence, importation and distribution of drugs, kidnapping and false imprisonment, rapes and other sexual assaults and causing death by dangerous driving.
David has particular experience in child sex abuse trials arising out of South Yorkshire, having represented defendants in a number of the long running trials. He has acted on both sides in many other cases of historical rape and sexual assault cases. Many of those have involved complainants who were vulnerable due to their age and or their experiences and many have required the assistance of intermediaries. Recently he has been involved in cases involving alleged abuse by those in authority, over many years, of numerous children in schools and churches.
David has recent experience in prosecuting and defending in cases where the defence of sexsomnia has been put forward. The defence has been supported by experts to explain alleged rapes and sexual assaults while the defendant is allegedly asleep. This appears to be a developing area of the law with the defence being raised more frequently as it becomes more widely acknowledged.
Notable Cases
R v MUA (and 3 others) (2024): Defending man charged with supplying drugs form south to north of England.
R v B (2024): Prosecuting defendant who abused baby.
R v PG (2023): Defending man charged with people trafficking.
R v MT (2023): Defending in conspiracy to murder and conspiracy to cause gbh. Allegedly set up the murder in Leeds.
R v D (2023): Prosecution of defendant who worked in religious setting and abused male children.
R v Ahmed and others [2023] EWCA Crim 281: Defending David Stansfield - combined sentence appeal setting out proper approach when sentencing young people of historic offences.
R v SS (2022): Possession with intent of 15 KG cocaine.
R v R and H (2022): Attempted Murder.
R v KS (2022): Attempted Murder.
R v B (2022): Historic sexual abuse in school.
R v R (2021) Historic sexual abuse.
R v Cheshire (2021): Prosecution of former headmaster for sexually abusing children in the 1970s and 80s.
R v N (2021): Prosecution of long term benefit fraud.
R v F (2021): Defence of female, with mental illness, charged with s.18 wounding.
R v C (2021): Defence of man charged with attempted murder.
Ian Howard
Call: 1987
Ian Howard
Lincoln’s Inn
Legal Aid Supplier Number 1570G
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Ian Howard is a senior member of the Criminal Team and is an established Grade 4 prosecutor, on the CPS RASSO Advocate panel.
Ian also defends on a range of matters including serious sexual offences, the supply of drugs and violence.
Ian is a senior member of the Criminal Team. During his career, Ian has prosecuted and defended a range of high profile cases and still continues to do so.
Ian Howard is a senior member of the Criminal Team and is an established Grade 4 prosecutor, on the CPS RASSO Advocate panel.
Ian also defends on a range of matters including serious sexual offences, the supply of drugs and violence.
Notable Cases
R v W Bradford Crown Court 2021
Ian successfully represented a professional man accused of ‘up skirting’.
R v S Bradford Crown Court 2022
Prosecuted child charged with rape offences, who sought to argue fitness to plead which was successfully resisted.
R v. Stephen Shaun Griffiths Leeds Crown Court 21/12/2010
Represented Griffiths. The defendant styled himself “the cross-bow cannibal”. A self-confessed serial killer pleaded guilty to the murder of three women. Three whole life sentences.
Gerald Hendron
Call: 1992
Gerald Hendron
Criminal Bar Association
Legal Aid Supplier Number 7449X
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Gerald Hendron prosecutes and defends in serious criminal cases. He is an extremely experienced, providing sound advice to his clients. His hard work and judgment assists in obtaining the outcome that he is instructed to achieve. Regularly prosecutes multi-handed complex criminal matters.
Criminal Law:
Gerald Hendron is an experienced criminal law advocate who defends and prosecutes across a range of the most serious of criminal matters, from firearms offences, serious violence, computer crime, serious drugs offences to adult and child sexual offences and exploitation, both recent and historic.
Gerald Hendron is an established Grade 4 prosecutor, on the CPS RASSO Advocate panel since its inception. He was involved in the first pilot trial at Leeds Crown Court for the cross examination of children and vulnerable witnesses in April 2015 and continues to appear regularly in this type of work. He is consistently instructed to appear against Queen’s Counsel in such cases.
Gerald is also nominated by the Yorkshire RaSSO unit as standing counsel for all Operation Recall Cases – the investigation of all historic DNA related sexual offences in the region.
Gerald also defends a number of cases involving neglect in the care home setting, serious sexual offences, robberies and attempted murders.
Notable Cases
R v Shahzan Hussain (2024):
Junior counsel alone prosecuted a Silk and Junior defending on a charge of Attempted Murder to trial. Son of complainant, acting on a longstanding grievance against father, travelled from Milford Haven to West Yorkshire with a hunting knife and black clothing to lay in wait at night in a garden until his father came out for a smoke. He then attacked the complainant in a ‘frenzied’ attack before fleeing, being arrested in Wales four hours later. Described as a ‘horrific and sustained attack.’ Defendant convicted and sentenced to life imprisonment with a minimum term of 13 years.
R v Harriott (2024):
Defence of client who pleaded guilty to the murder of his sister and was sentenced to life, with an order to serve a minimum period of 23 years. The defendant intended to kill his sister in a premeditated attack upon her with a samurai sword as she loaded her car on her way to work before driving to Huddersfield police station asking to be arrested, as he had just killed his sister. HHJ Mairs described the kiliing which was caught on CCTV as ‘Chilling.’
R v Khalid Sheikh, Asghar Sheikh, Shabnam Sheikh (2024):
Gerald Hendron, being led by Abdul Iqbal KC, represented Khalid Sheikh, and Michelle Colborne KC, leading Simeon Evans, represented Asghar Sheikh for failing to protect a vulnerable person, namely Ambreen Sheikh, from serious bodily harm. This case took place at Leeds Crown Court before Lady Justice Lambert. The complainant was alleged to have been the subject of a caustic burn, and after this incident, she was given glimepiride, an antidiabetic tablet, which resulted in her falling into a permanent coma from which she has never recovered. The defendants were sentenced to 7 years and 9 months for failing to protect. ( v Rees (2024):
Prosecuted Leeds student Nicholas Rees, who was sentenced to 6 years' imprisonment at Leeds Crown Court in respect of Possession of an Explosive Substance and Making an Explosive Substance while he was a postgraduate student at the Oxley Halls in Leeds. Rees manufactured low explosives and possessed the ingredients for low explosives for an unlawful purpose. Rees had grievances against fellow students and West Yorkshire police officers after he had been reported to them for the suspected possession of firearms while walking around the residence in combat fatigues and wearing a bulletproof vest. Rees told students that he could use ‘Thermite’ to destroy the generator box of the residence, cutting off communication to the police if they wanted to report him. The defendant also threatened the police and others that he would go on ‘One last outing.’ Sentencing Rees, HHJ Khan said that he was a dangerous man ( V D (2023):
Manslaughter -Prosecution led junior counsel being led by KC in a case, the allegation being the defendant had stockpiled controlled drug, prescribed to treat his deceased wife and then drug the deceased. The defendant’s case was that the complainant took the drug herself. Involved pathological and toxicological issues along with substantial disclosure issues as case was treated as an unexplained death and the body was no longer available by the time toxicological results were obtained.R v B (2022):
Prosecuting defendant represented by a KC for the rape of a 14 year old girl in 1993. Through the advances in DNA evidence piecing together historic evidence where the inferences from such evidence was to be challenged.R v HS (2021):
Defence Junior 6 week trial charged with joint armed robbery with imitation firearms of a fabric shop. Pre-planned robbery where the case involved circumstantial evidence of the defendant sourcing the car prior to the robbery and together with his co-accused destroying it afterwards. The prosecution relied on CCTV evidence and cell site evidence. The co-accused were also charged with attempted murder and possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life. Although the co-accused were unanimously convicted on all counts, jury could not agree in relation to HS and the prosecution decided not to retry the defendant. The co-accused received sentences of 12 years.R V D and others (2021):
Prosecution Junior Conspiracy to import controlled drugs and article A prohibited items, (drugs and phones) into prison over a period of 2 and a half years at 3 prisons in Yorkshire and Humberside. 7 Defendants in total. The Lead defendant received a sentence of 14 year.**R v A (2021**):
Defence Junior Representing boy who was charged with multiple rapes on 6 complainants in the Crown Court since the age of 11-14. First case of its kind that went to the Court of Appeal and will be a bench mark case for sentencing children for the most serious of sexual offences. Total sentence 8 years 3 months but reduced to 6 years 6 months by the Court of Appeal who described the case as ‘a truly difficult and exceptional case’.R v M (2021):
Defence Junior alone representing man charged with attempted murder where the prosecution accepted Section 18 when the case was listed for trial. The victim was left with serious and permanent life changing head injuries having been attacked by the Defendant. The Defendant on arrest repeatedly claimed that he wanted to kill him and that he deserved it. The Defendant was sentenced to 12 years imprisonment.R v A and others (2020):
Leading Junior for the Prosecution 5 Defendants between ages of 15 and 18 charged with conspiracy to commit armed robberies of supermarkets. The group targeted a string of stores, using an arsenal of weapons including a BB gun, machete, knives, meat cleaver and an axe to steal a host of items including cash, cigarettes and stamps.Operation F (2019):
Prosecution Junior first convictions of in respect an AK47 rifle discharge since records began since the National Ballistics Intelligence Service 2009, the allegation being the three defendants pre-planned spraying of a rival gang member’s house with a machine gun and armour piercing ammunition. Extensive use of cell site evidence linked with fragmentary eye witness accounts to construct strong circumstantial case.R v B & ors (2017):
Prosecuted student in York who was charged with Rape of another student. Received national attention. At trial and retrial defendant represented by a KC.R v S (2015):
Defence Junior Represented to trial Defendant alleged to have stolen the personal details of 100,000 employees of national supermarket retailer, publishing them on the internet and forwarding them to local national newspapers, using the ‘Dark Web’ with resultant loss to the business of £2.5m. 7 years for fraud.R v M & Ors (2010):
Leading Junior for the Defence - defending the alleged leading facilitator in the conspiracy to kidnap the son of a Chinese Shipping Magnate and blackmail his parents in the sum of $2mUS. Prosecuted by a silk and junior. Case involved complex cell site analysis, voice analysis on ransom demands, telephone billing and observational evidence. A Not Guilty verdict was secured after an extensive trial.Clerks
Jo Shepherd
Call: 1993
Jo Shepherd
BA (Honours) History
[University College of North Wales (Bangor)
Post-graduate Diploma in Law (Common Professional Examination) [University of Huddersfield]
Bar Vocational Course
[Inns of Court School of Law, London]
Options: Landlord and Tenant (very competent) and Family Law (Competent)
Criminal Bar Association & Northern Circuit
T: 01274 722 560
Jo was called to the Bar by the Inner Temple in 1993 having completed her BA (Hons) degree in History at the University of Wales. Her pupillage was completed in London, and she has been instructed in Criminal Courts at all levels up to and including the High Court and the Court of Appeal.
She has a wide experience in both Defence and Prosecution and is a Grade 3/RASSO Prosecutor; and was formerly a Grade B for the Health & Safety Executive and HM Revenue and Customs.
Jo is an accredited pupil supervisor.
Her main areas of practice are Criminal Law and General Common Law including regulatory work.
Jo works predominantly in Leeds, Bradford and Manchester Crown Courts – both Prosecuting and Defending cases from Murder and rape to burglary and robbery.
Jo has a particular interest in Mental Health and its application to criminal law – both as a prosecution and defence advocate.
Jo has specialised in road traffic law, conducting cases at all levels -including before the High Court and Administrative Court:
R v B ex parte Preston Crown Court (Administrative Court - Road traffic appeal on costs from Central funds) [2002]
R v M (Case Stated Appeal in High Court - Road Traffic) [2003]
Jo has almost 30 years’ experience at the criminal bar.
Jo has almost 30 years’ experience at the criminal bar, both prosecuting and defending, practising at all levels and on both sides of the Pennines, initially in Courts throughout the North West and latterly Leeds, Bradford and York Crown Courts.
Notable Cases
R v Bradshaw [2024] Leeds Crown Court – prosecution. 20 year sentence. Three counts of rape of a girl under 13, 11 counts of making an indecent photograph or pseudo photograph of a child, distributing an indecent photograph or pseudo photograph of a child, two counts of possession of a prohibited image of a child, possession of an extreme pornographic images and assault of a girl under 13.
R v M [2022] Bradford Crown Court – defence historic sexual offences
R v C [2022] Leeds Crown Court – defence section 18/Dangerous offender
R v K [2021] Bradford Crown Court – Defence of mentally ill offender charged with Arson
R v Z [2021] York Crown Court – defence rape trial
R v J [2021] Leeds Crown Court – defence rape trial
R v G [2021] Chester Crown Court – defence historic sexual offences trial
R v W [2021] Bradford Crown Court – defence of youth charged with rape.
R v H [2019] Liverpool Crown Court – successfully vacated Guilty plea to section 18 and successfully defended at subsequent trial.
R v S [2019] Chester Crown Court – successfully defended a Defendant with Alzheimer’s charged with historic sexual abuse
R v T (Perverting the course of justice – false alibi to son- lead Defendant in gangland murder) – Liverpool Crown Court [2016]
R v L (Prosecution – Fitness to plead and successful Proof of Act/omission) [2016] Leeds Crown Court
R v S (Section 47 trial) Preston Crown Court [2016]
R v M – Class A drugs conspiracy – Liverpool Crown Court [2015]
R v W (Prosecution of Fitness to plead and successful proof of act/omission) [2015] Manchester Crown Court
R v T (section 20 where complainant left with permanent disabilities – conviction following trial) [2014] York Crown Court
R v F (sexual offences committed following release on parole after 20 years – Dangerousness provisions) [2014] – Preston Crown Court
R v B (Successful Prosecution on Section 20 wounding) [2014] Bradford Crown Court
R v L (£200k Theft from Employer by Wife - Acquitted after trial of money laundering - Preston Crown Court) [2012]
R v B (Preston Crown Court – Attempted Murder trial) [2012]
W v DPP (Crown Court - appeal against sentence - “April Jones troll” [2012]
R v H (Murder – pleaded to manslaughter) Liverpool Crown Court [2012]
R v C (Liverpool Crown Court – defended police officer charged with misconduct in public office) [2011]
R v H & Another (successful Appeal against Conviction – Court of Appeal) [2011]
R v P & Others (Defence in multi-handed Drug conspiracy – Preston Crown Court) [2011]
R v H (Appeal against Sentence – Court of Appeal
Miss Shepherd was commended by the Honourable Mrs Justice Rafferty on both preparation & presentation) [2010]
R v S & Another (Infamous “Furry case” - Conspiracy to Murder – Junior for Defence – Preston Crown Court) [2009]
R v L (Multi-count historical sex case – Defendant with learning disabilities – Preston Crown Court [2007]
R v Unsworth & S (Murder – Preston Crown Court – junior for the Crown) [2007]
Rebecca Young
Call: 1993
Rebecca Young
Qualifications & Memberships : LLB(Hons) 2:1 Honourable Society of the Inner Temple, Criminal Bar Association.
Prosecution Rape and Serious Sexual Offences (RASSO) Panel.
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
“Our client described your conduct as impeccable, kind and considerate and wishes to say that he will never forget what you did for him. May I add that you are an extraordinary advocate who has a natural gift when dealing with complex issues and an ability to make both instructed solicitors and the client feel at ease. Something that is often very difficult to achieve!” (Solicitor & Client Feedback)
Rebecca prosecutes and defends in all aspects of serious crime: drugs, people trafficking, fatal and non-fatal violence and has a particular specialism in sexual cases both recent and historic. She is often involved in cases involving complex expert evidence; medical forensic and cell site. She has recently been involved in a number of arson cases involving fire investigation experts and also non-accidental head injury cases (“baby shaking cases”) involving extremely technical and specialist medical evidence.
She has experience of cases involving multiple defendants and/or multiple complainants.
She is well known for being extremely thorough, paying attention to detail and being down to earth and patient especially when dealing with difficult or sensitive cases.
She is currently instructed to defend in an operation involving child exploitation and grooming in Leeds.
Rebecca has been involved in training programs within Chambers. Sessions include RASSO training for the CPS as well Section 28 training for defence solicitors.
Solicitor and client review: "Our client described your conduct as impeccable, kind and considerate and wishes to say that he will never forget what you did for him. May I add that you are an extraordinary advocate who has a natural gift when dealing with complex issues and an ability to make both instructed solicitors and the client feel at ease. Something that is often very difficult to achieve!”
Rebecca is often instructed in cases involving rape and serious sexual offences. She is also known for her expertise when dealing with cases involving child witnesses or defendants or those with vulnerabilities such as severe mental health problems or learning difficulties or other communication problems. In one extreme case the complainant could only answer questions by drawing her answer. Her client was one of 2 brothers charged with sexually abusing their sister; and hers was acquitted.
More often than not her cases involve expert evidence from psychiatrists, psychologists, registered intermediaries and other specialist medical practitioners. She conducted one of the first pre-recorded cross examination of vulnerable witnesses under the Section 28 Pilot scheme which involved a child of 4 years of age. Since then she has conducted many such cases as the procedure developed.
Notable Cases
R-v-H: there was video evidence said to show the defendant raping his partner whilst she appeared to be asleep. He was acquitted.
R-v-H: baby shaking case mother charged with manslaughter led by Jamie Hill QC. She was acquitted after expert evidence so specialists’ experts from out of the jurisdiction were called.
R-v- B: sexual assault of a child by a defendant with previous convictions for the same and witnessed by a group of other children despite which he was acquitted.
R-v R: historic sexual abuse by a university lab worker of multiple work experience students over his entire career and also of his own daughter.
R-v- C: Case involving a mother causing her child to poison her own father which was stayed after technical legal arguments. Controlling coercive behaviour unusually by the mother.
R-v- U: case involving modern slavery offences; facilitating the travel of another for exploitation and forced labour. It involved a Vietnamese teenager trafficked multiple times to work in cannabis factories.
R-v- M: dangerous dog case involving complex legal arguments about the possible lacuna/inconsistency in the various statutes dealing with guard dogs and dangerous dogs.
R-v-P: rape of stepson(s) over many years complicated background where 1 complainant went back to live with the defendant with his daughters.
Jayne Beckett
Call: 1995
Jayne Beckett
MA (Hons) (Cantab) Law
Middle Temple – Diplock Scholorship
Legal Aid Supplier Number 055WZ
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Jayne Beckett practices in the field of criminal law and deals with both prosecution and defence cases of the utmost severity.
Other Information:
Jayne was brought up locally and attended local schools. As such she has a working understanding of the communities in the West Yorkshire area. Prior to entering Chambers Jayne worked briefly for a large Solicitors firm in London.
Jayne conducts seminars on behalf of the crime team and has conducted training with the local police.
Jayne Beckett is a Grade 4 Crown Prosecutor and has experience as a trial advocate in respect of most types of criminal matters.
Jayne has dealt with a large number of offences involving rape and serious sexual offences and is experienced in the handling of child witnesses and vulnerable complainants. She has a working understanding of problems particular to these cases such as third party disclosure in relation to complainants.
In addition, Jayne is regularly instructed in cases involving extreme violence. Her experience goes beyond the handling of serious assaults. She has frequently dealt with matters such as those involving child or infant complainants as well as serious armed robberies. Jayne has been led on several occasions in cases of murder.
Notable Cases
R v H(2024) – Prosecution
Prosecuted trial of Defendant who fled the UK after being charged with indecently assaulting a 14-year-old girl more than two decades ago. The Defendant was charged in 2018 as part of Operation Stovewood (Rotherham Child Exploitation Investigation). The Defendant was sentenced to 8 years imprisonment and may face deportation thereafter.,act%20in%20Rotherham%20in%202003.
R v G (2024) – Prosecution
Successful prosecution for the rape of an underaged girl in the 90’s. The defendant was sentenced to 14 years and 3 months imprisonment and will remain on the sex offenders register for life
R v L (2024) – Defence
Successful defence of an adult charged with historic sexual offences having fathered the child of a family member.
R v C (2023) – Defence
Successful defence of an adult charged with raping a close friend.
R v Jon Smith (2022) – Prosecution
Successful prosecution of practising medical consultant for sexually assaulting female colleague.
R v Sohail Hussain and others (2021) – Defence
Successful defence of an adult charged with others in a case of serious historic sexual grooming of a child.
R v Azad Raja and others (2021) – Prosecution
Leading junior prosecuting as part of Operation Stovewood (The Rotherham enquiry into child exploitation)
R v Frederick Denton (2019) – Defence
2 week trial involving serious historic sexual allegations with complainants who were minors at the time of the alleged offences.
R v H (2018) – Prosecution
Successful prosecution for serious familial sexual offending spanning 12 years. Defendant represented by Queens Counsel. Sentence 24 years imprisonment.
R v James Hutchinson (2017) – Defence
Murder. Led by Miss Michelle Colborne QC. Boxing Day murder of Defendant’s partner with complicated domestic background and difficult sentencing points successfully made.
R v H (2017) – Defence
Manslaughter. Defendant supplied drugs into prison which were ingested by her partner. Death occurred. Successful legal argument. Not possible to prove causation.
R v Martin Panton (2017) – Defence
Defendant facing two sets of proceedings. Serious historic sexual abuse and terrorism. Successful combined outcome on sentence given admissions.
R v L & H (2016) – Prosecution
Successful prosecution of two Defendants charged with serious conspiracy to supply Class A drugs. Lengthy trial. Considerable detail.
Camille Morland
Call: 1996
Camille Morland
Interdisciplinary Human Studies BA (Hons)
Common Professional Examination
Bar Finals
Criminal Bar Association
Legal Aid Supplier Number 109QN
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Camille conducts Crown Court trials on behalf of both prosecution and defence. She is an accomplished Grade 3 prosecutor, with Grade 4 experience. She is a member of the CPS Rape and Serious Sexual Offences Panel and has acquired significant expertise in such cases. She has a particular interest in such allegations which are historic in nature, and those which take place within a religious setting. She is adept at dealing with the diverse needs of witnesses and those involving child witnesses and vulnerable adults, including those via pre-recorded cross-examination.
Camille has been a member of Chambers for over 20 years practising almost exclusively in crime.
Camille regularly holds seminars for solicitors and the CPS. Camille has recently addressed:
- Law Practice Naming of Defending (2020)
- RaSSO Update (2021)
- Sentencing Update (2021)
Camille is a skilled trial advocate who has a thorough understanding of the complex legal and practical issues which are common to all criminal cases. Camille is adept but not limited to cases involving controlled drugs, sexual offences, proceeds of crime, violence, firearms and driving offences.
Camille has been a member of Chambers for over 20 years practising almost exclusively in crime.
Part of that work includes the presentation of mitigations, both personal and in relation to criminal offences, in order to secure the most lenient penalty on behalf of the lay client.
The skills and experience acquired during her career are applicable and relevant to sports discipline hearings, including that relating to doping allegations.
Camille has been a committee member of an athletics club, at an amateur level, for a number of years. During that time she had responsibility for Child Protection and Welfare. On occasion this has required making decisions in relation to club discipline, membership and welfare. It has also been necessary to mediate in disputes.
Outside of work, Camille enjoys running and is a Boston Marathon qualifier 2020 and a Marathon des Sables finisher 2022. She is still managing to run reasonably fast – 78% age graded 5k.
Emma Downing
Call: 2002
Emma Downing
Middle Temple
Legal Aid Supplier Number 872FN
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Emma now combines her practice at the Bar alongside a part-time position of University lecturer in law. Throughout her career Emma has specialised in all aspects of both criminal and regulatory law together with prison/parole law and mental health work.
Languages: Chinese (Mandarin), French and German
Emma is recognised in the publication ‘Chambers and Partners 2022’ in the practice area of crime.
Emma now combines her practice at the Bar alongside a part-time position of University lecturer in law. Throughout her career Emma has specialised in all aspects of both criminal and regulatory law together with prison/parole law and mental health work.
Notable Cases
R -v- Hussain EWCA Crim 1564
Substantial departure from the Sentencing Council Guidelines on ‘Assault and Other Offences Against the Person’ justified by an element of deterrence in the sentence
R -v- Cordingly EWCA Crim 2428
Legality of the imposition of a sentence of imprisonment for public protection upon an offender who had committed a specified and serious offence, whilst subject to licence conditions, in respect of which he had already been recalled administratively
R -v- Price EWCA Crim 1757
Guideline case on sentencing for the importation of offensive weapons
R -v- Slaven EWCA Crim 2967
Application of the Criminal Justice Act 2003, s.240