Nikki Saxton KC
Call: 1992 | Silk: 2024
Nikki Saxton KC
Family Financial Arbitration
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Nikki Saxton KC is one of only 3 specialist financial remedy silks outside London and the only silk on the North Eastern Circuit but receives instructions from solicitors nationally and deals with high net worth and high profile clients.
She has over 20 years’ experience specialising in the field of matrimonial finance and Schedule 1 claims and is unphased by large and involved financial remedy claims with complex trust and business structures and nuptial agreements.
Nikki’s aim is always to achieve a settlement for her clients but is prepared to fight and is known for her ability to “cross examine to devastating effect.”
Nikki is a member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and available to undertake financial arbitration and private FDRs.
Nikki regularly lectures to the Judicial College, Resolution and at the FLBA national conference.
Financial Remedy
Nikki undertakes financial remedy work for high net worth individuals and is regularly involved in high court cases where the assets exceed £10m and has acted as in cases of substantial value and complexity. Nicola has been involved in a number of high net worth high court matters, typically listed from 3 – 9 days and involving assets of £5m – £25m. Her cases involve family businesses and privately owned companies. She has experience of both foreign and domestic trusts.
Nikki is a qualified arbitrator and is a member of CIArb.
Nikki has a holistic and commercial approach to litigation and, in addition to her advocacy in court she has concluded negotiated settlements with assets up to £450m and regularly represents clients at joint settlement meetings, private Financial Dispute Resolution hearings and Arbitrations.
Notable Cases
Goodman v Walker [ 2024] EWFC 212B
Re A (Schedule1; Overspend, costs clawback) [2022] EWFC 21
L v L [2021] EWFC B83
MF v SF (Financial Remedy: Financial Conduct) [2016] 2 FLR 622
FS v PS [2015] EWhc 2797
Anthony Hajimitsis
Call: 1984
Anthony Hajimitsis
BA Jurisprudence (Oxon)
Arbitrator (Finance)
T: 01274 722560 or 0113 246 2600
Anthony’s practice solely focuses on financial remedy proceedings and is regularly instructed on cases in the £10M - £20M bracket.
Anthony is often instructed as an evaluator in Private FDR’S and is a trained Finance Arbitrator.
Anthony regularly provides seminars on current areas of legal interest.
Anthony is recognised as a leading practitioner within the financial remedy jurisdiction. Anthony has been acknowledged by Chambers and Partners as a ‘star individual ‘ for a number of consecutive years. Anthony is seen as a Tier 1 practitioner by Legal 500.
"Anthony Hajimitsis has unrivalled experience and is a go-to name for most family practitioners in Yorkshire and the North East. Anthony is one of the top players in the regions. Clients know that they are in safe and capable hands.He is highly experienced and knowledgeable. He is also thorough in his preparation and has strong attention to detail and great client care skills.” (Star Individual, Chambers and Partners, 2025)
'Anthony’s knowledge of the law is impeccable. He is able to analyse complex legal and financial issues comprehensively, and his ability to present the case at court is faultless. Anthony Hajimitsis is ‘one of the finest strategists’ and ’his advocacy is a masterclass in cross-examination.” (Tier 1, Legal 500, 2025)
”Star Individual - Anthony Hajimitsis is a distinguished senior junior in the field of family law who specialises in financial provision cases, especially those concerning property and business arrangements following divorces. He also assists with prenuptial agreement disputes and is noted for his role as an evaluator in financial dispute resolution. Extremely experienced and very measured. He delivers in an understandable way and provides very thorough advice, such that clients feel reassured. A top barrister in the North of England. He is very affable and he can hold his own in court and make fantastic arguments. He is so sensible and calm. His attention to detail and preparation are amazing. (Star Individual, Chambers and Partners, 2024)
“Anthony Hajimitsis is a distinguished senior junior in the field of family law who specialises in financial provision cases, especially those concerning property and business arrangements following divorces. He also assists with prenuptial agreement disputes and is noted for his role as an evaluator in financial dispute resolution. Anthony is very able with complex business affairs. He has sound judgement and provides good client care. Anthony is highly skilled and very detailed. He is excellent with clients and his advice is always sensible. He is also a real pleasure to work with. Anthony is a phenomenal advocate who gets to grips with the complexities of a case in record time whilst at the same time putting the client at ease.” (Star Individual, Chambers and Partners, 2023)
“Anthony provides robust, practical and considered advice with absolute clarity. His approach always receives respect and the ear of the court. Clients are always reassured and satisfied that their corner has been fought with tenacity and determination” (Tier 1, Legal 500, 2023)
“He is always completely across his brief and gives clear commercial advice in a measured and tactful way. He speaks with authority. His calm manner is exceptional” (Tier 1, Legal 500, 2022)
"He is just fantastic through and through." "Anthony Hajimitsis is very experienced in high net worth cases and has a calm and persuasive manner both with clients and the judiciary. He has excellent advocacy skills." "Besides his academic abilities he has the patience and bedside manner which most clients need. He explains things in a very clear way so that clients understand everything." (Star Individual, Chambers & Partners 2022)
Anthony has conducted cases with an asset base up to £70M, and is regularly instructed on cases in the £10M - £20M bracket. Anthony’s typical caseload involves cases with a focus on businesses/farms/ trusts/ overseas resources.
In the last 18 months Anthony has alongside his practice as an advocate, provided his services as a private FDR evaluator. Anthony has assisted parties to resolve their proceedings in almost 30 cases to date.
Notable Cases
Financial Remedy Case (2021)
Instructed to represent wife in a case with assets c £37M, largely resulting from sale of a business established pre marriage but significant growth during the marriage.
Financial Remedy Case (2020)
Instructed to represent a wife in case with assets c £7M. W held shares in Company owned by 2 families. W sought exit from company. Application to set aside transfer of golden share successfully brought. Significant resistance by H and 2nd shareholding family to W claims.
Financial Remedy Case (2022)
Instructed to represent a husband in case with c £15M assets. Issues as to extent of non-matrimonial property and wife’s interest under offshore discretionary trust.
Financial Remedy Case (2022)
Instructed to represent wife on application to set aside a consent order due to fraudulent non-disclosure – non disclosure of negotiations leading to sale of company at c £40M.
Financial Remedy Case (2022)
Instructed to represent wife in case where expert opinion is that H's company interest is £20M+. Contested expert assessment of value of company.
Robert Cole
Call: 1991
Robert Cole
Head of the Family Law Team
Legal Aid Supplier Number 3490U
T: 0113 246 2600 or 01274 722 560
Robert is a leading matrimonial finance specialist. He sits on the Chambers Executive Board. Robert is regularly asked to act as adjudicator in Private FDRs and to sit as an Arbitrator. He is the Head of the Family Law Team at Broadway House Chambers.
‘A superb and highly skilled advocate with a hugely talented mathematical brain. Robert is calm, collected and has excellent instincts. ’ (Legal 500, Tier 1)
He continues to be invited to lecture at the Judicial College (for the judiciary) on matters dealing with accounts and corporate structures within financial remedy cases.
Ranked Band 1 in Chambers & Partners and Top Tier in Legal 500 for over the last 17 years.
“Robert's advocacy is direct, punchy and impactful. He is the calmest head in the room; everybody hangs on to his every word. Simply brilliant. The ‘formidable advocate’ Robert Cole leads the group, which continues to handle a broad range of financial remedy matters” (Legal 500, 2025)
"Robert Cole is one of the best barristers in the North of England for financial cases. He is incredibly experienced and his understanding of issues relating to businesses is second to none. Robert Cole is excellent at complex financial remedy cases. He is great on his feet and clients love his straight-talking, pragmatic approach. Robert is an outstanding barrister – he provides commercial advice to clients but negotiates with great skill." (Chambers & Partners, 2025)
“Robert Cole is widely considered a leading expert for high net worth divorces and separations. He is particularly respected for his ability to handle cases involving highly complex asset structures and businesses, drawing on his accountancy background.” (Chambers & Partners, 2023 and 2024)
“A superb and highly skilled advocate with a hugely talented mathematical brain. Robert is calm, collected and has excellent instincts.” (Legal 500, 2023)
“He is very good at managing clients’ expectations and is always phenomenally well prepared. He is a fountain of knowledge and has exceptional case law expertise.” (Chambers & Partners, 2022)
“Robert will always give an honest and open view of the strengths and weaknesses of the case but will also fight hard for the client in court. A pragmatic negotiator.” (Legal 500, 2022)
Robert has worked in the field of matrimonial finance from Call in 1991 but concentrating in this field alone since 2000. He has a recognised practice across the whole of the north of England, the Midlands and beyond. He deals with all range of complex and high value cases involving issues of non-matrimonial source, companies, trusts and overseas assets, forensic analysis of resources and high income maintenance disputes. Robert had a background in accountancy prior to being called which compliments and enhances his work.
Notable Cases
G v L [2021]
Dispute as to W’s claim against wealth held by the parties where H had owned a pre-marital company that was sold during the marriage and whether proceeds then mingled when dealt with thereafter. Dispute as to duration of the marriage; when cohabitation commenced and therefore what growth in company arose within the relationship. Total assets of £16M: W received £6M capital & £1M pension at PFDR.
G v G [2020]
Case involving application of sharing principle to marital acquest: dispute over what constituted matrimonial property after 10 year marriage where W brought £5M to the marriage and H brought shares in family business and pension to the marriage, which had grown by circa £2M during the relationship plus £7500,000 growth in pensions. Extent to which growth a product of joint endeavour or natural growth of pre-marital asset. Decision also to reflect on needs of parties and liquidity of parties given W’s existing wealth. Case settled after PFDR with capital award to W of £750,000 + £250,000 pension.
HW v WW [2020] EWFC B20
Application to re-open consent order on basis that impact of Covid 19 on H’s business was a Barder event. The court determined that the pandemic was capable of being a Barder event but that the impact was a) foreseeable in the specific circumstances of the case and b) the impact was not sufficiently great to warrant the order to be set aside. However, the judge urged a pragmatic approach to the timing of payments and a revision of the periodical payments pending capital payments. The case was subsequently resolved by agreed amendment to original order.
C v C [2019]
H won national lottery prize of £10million prior to marriage. All remaining assets (£5.2million) were derived from this non-matrimonial source. Marriage of 19 years duration; W43: H47. Issue as to whether duration of marriage and treatment of assets diluted weight attached to source of the assets under the sharing principle or whether the case should be approached from need-basis only; further issue as to W’s needs and whether W was cohabiting. W received award of £2million on clean break.
M v M [2019]
Case involving £16.5million assets in the form of land, property and corporate structures (UK and offshore) in 18 year marriage. Central issue as to non-matrimonial source (H claimed £12million brought to the marriage from inheritance/family gifts) and dilution/mingling of assets by acquisition of assets/development of corporate structures using inherited funds. Also issue of meeting needs in context of standard of living; annual budgets of £250,000/£300,000 from each party. W received land/assets of £6.1million generating income of £150,000pa plus retained assets of £900,000 in her name.
J v J [2016] BAILLI M23
Case involving funds misdirected from trading company by false invoicing to offshore Cayman Island bank account, amounting to £500,000. Test for adverse inference considered and applied. Issue of how to structure award, given H’s further movement of the money.
Nicola Shaw
Call: 1992
Nicola Shaw
Lincolns Inn (Sunley scholar)
Modern Languages LLB (Hons) Leeds University 1998
University of California Berkeley Boalt Hall School of Law
Inns of Court Bar Vocational Course 1991-2
University of Victoria, Wellington, Dispute Resolution LLM Course
Collaborative lawyer, trained 2007
Trained Arbitrator
DDJ 2010
T: 0113 246 2600 or 01274 722 560
Nicola practises exclusively in the field of Dispute Resolution. Following a career at the Bar specialising in financial remedies, she was appointed as a full time District Judge in 2016. She was lead Judge for her region in the Financial Remedies Court from its inception in 2018 until taking early retirement in 2022. She now sits regularly in the Financial Remedies Court in London, as well as in the local courts on the North East Circuit.
Nicola has chaired conferences and been invited as keynote speaker at specialist Dispute Resolution conference.
She was the representative for the Association of District Judges on the International Association of Judges from 2017 to her retirement, which involved being an ambassador for the English and Welsh judiciary on the international stage. She presented papers to the study commission and has chaired discussions in this forum.
She is the editor of the Financial Remedies Journal with a particular responsibility for pFDRs.
Chambers and Partners 2016:
“She is noted for her expertise on the intersection between family law and trusts, with particular experience in TOLATA cases and the co-ownership of property under trust. She can handle civil procedures which would make a lot of family lawyers wobbly at the knees. She's a real expert.”
“She is particularly noted for her training in collaborative law, and her client-friendly approach and innovative thinking set her apart from other practitioners in the field. "She sits as a Deputy District Judge and provides good, solid advice in financial cases. She is very accessible and takes a real interest in the case." "She is thoughtful, very client-friendly and a pleasure to work with."
She specialises in complex financial proceedings and cohabitation disputes. Commentators praise the value of her training in collaborative law, and note her considerable expertise in alternative dispute resolution and mediation. "She takes a holistic view of the client's circumstances and thinks outside of the box to consider the practical consequences of any advice she gives." "Nicola Shaw is very accessible and takes a real interest in the case, providing good, solid advice in financial cases."
Legal 500:
Very approachable and always well prepared
A first-rate lawyer, who is pragmatic with great interpersonal skills has a good, reassuring manner with clients’
Nicola acts as a Private FDR Judge, Early Neutral Evaluation Judge and Arbitrator at Broadway House Chambers.
Whilst in practice, Nicola had a special interest in cases involving farms, partnerships and small businesses, as well as being regularly instructed in cases involving complex pensions arrangements.
Since being appointed, she has facilitated and adjudicated in cases which have multi-million pound assets and complex financial structures, across the spectrum to those where the financial assets are small, but which require careful handling to achieve fairness for the parties.
Nick Power
Call: 2004 (Solicitor 1998)
Nick Power
BA (Hons) Law and European Business Studies
Arbitrator MCIArb
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Nick is a highly sought after financial remedy specialist with over 20 years' experience. He is instructed by solicitors across the north of England who welcome his expertise and team approach. He is consistently ranked as a leading junior in the professional directories and has been described as a "first choice junior for many solicitors handling money work" and as "a measured and unflappable advocate who has an excellent rapport with solicitors, judges and clients". He is committed to NCDR, is a qualified arbitrator and sits as private FDR evaluator.
Legal 500 – 2025 – Tier 1
'Nicholas is an unflappable and measured advocate, who has excellent rapport with solicitors, judges and clients. An incredibly persuasive barrister.”
Chambers & Partners - 2025 – Band 1
"A great barrister who is always well prepared and knows the case inside and out. He is great with clients, very knowledgeable and has strong advocacy skills. Nick has a great manner with clients, ensuring that they fully understand even the more complex issues in cases."
Legal 500 – 2024 – Tier 1
“Nicholas Power garners praise for his ‘exceptional knowledge.”
Chambers & Partners - 2024 – Band 1
“Nick Power is noted for his prowess in handling diverse and complex financial remedy proceedings and family separations often involving pensions, properties and inherited wealth. He is particularly skilled at handling cases with overseas assets and further assists clients with private FDR.”
Legal 500 – 2023 - Tier 1
“A junior with a first-class mind who is great in all areas of financial remedy proceedings. He has an exceptional eye for detail.”
Chambers and Partners – 2023 - Band 1
“Nick Power is noted for his prowess in handling diverse and complex financial remedy proceedings and family separations often involving pensions, properties and inherited wealth. He is particularly skilled at handling cases with overseas assets and further assists clients with private FDR.”
Legal 500 – 2022 - Tier 1
“A highly skilled negotiator and advocate. He provides sound, measured advice and has a good rapport with clients.”
Chambers and Partners – 2022 - Band 1
“He has a really good manner with clients and can explain complicated matters in a really easy way. He has a team approach which consists of himself, the instructing solicitor and the client. He is sharp, on the ball and enthusiastic, as well as great with clients.”
Legal 500 – 2021 – Tier 1
“Nick is a strong advocate and is my barrister of choice for financial remedy cases. He is always very well prepared and is very thorough in his approach. Again, he provides sensible and realistic advice and instils confidence in clients and instructing solicitors.”
Chambers and Partners – 2021 - Band 1
“Highly accomplished family law barrister who concentrates on financial remedy cases, especially those with offshore earnings, pensions and business issues. His instructions often concern assets spread over multiple jurisdictions. He manages expectations very well and has a reassuring effect on the client. He’s very balanced when presenting the case. He has the rare ability to distil a complex situation into simple issues. He has a lovely reassuring manner with the client and is very calm and focused but tough in court. He’s just a brilliant advocate.”
Chambers and Partners – 2020 - Band 1
Nick has the very valuable skill of distilling complex situations down into the key issues. Well-prepared with an excellent grasp on the issues as well as a confident manner with clients.Ideal for a range of financial orders applications.”
Nick’s practice encompasses all aspects of financial remedy proceedings including applications for financial provision for children under the Children Act 1989 Schedule 1. He is regularly instructed to advise prior to the issue of proceedings and is committed to alternative dispute resolution where appropriate. He has extensive experience of representing business owners, professionals and their spouses, as well as third parties, in cases where the assets are up to £10m. His case load regularly involves the following issues:-
- Property portfolios
- Companies and business interests
- Significant pension assets
- Inherited assets
- Assets outside the jurisdiction including overseas Trusts
- Complex income structures including those offshore
- Farms
- Trusts
- Third party applications and dispute over ownership of assets
Notable Cases
- Recent cases have included:-
- Disputed actuarial evidence in relation to pension sharing and the instruction of separate experts
- An overseas trust and pre-nuptial agreement
- Significant offshore earnings
- Conflicting company valuations with experts giving evidence; contested section 37 applications in relation to share transfers.
- Company and property holdings with arguments as to non-matrimonial property and post-separation accrual
Emily Ward
Call: 2011 - Deputy Head of the Family Law Team
Emily Ward
LL.B (Hons) University of Manchester (2010, First Class) (six prizes)
Bar Professional Training Course (2011)
Middle Temple, Godfrey Heilpern Scholar
Deputy District Judge (2019) - Civil, Public & Private Children, and Financial Remedies
Farquhar Committee Member
Transparency Implementation Group Member
Resolution FLBA
Secretary of Regional FLBA (Yorkshire & Humber)
Women in Law
International Association of Women Judges
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Emily is Deputy Head of the Family Team and has a strong, busy practice both on and off the North Eastern Circuit. She is a particularly sought after in matrimonial finance and cohabitation disputes, as well as complex children cases. Emily is consistently recognised as a leading junior in family law in the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners. She has a keen eye for detail and quickly grasps the key issues in the case.
Emily is also a member of Broadway House Chambers’ Business, Property & Probate Team, and acts in cases where there is a cross-over in jurisdictions and issues.
Emily was appointed as a Deputy District Judge in 2019, at the age of 30, and she holds children (public and private law), civil and financial remedy tickets.
Keen on all forms of alternative dispute resolution, Emily is instructed to act for clients at round table meetings, mediations, private FDRs and early neutral evaluations, as well as arbitrations. She also acts as a Private FDR practitioner/evaluator in financial remedy, Schedule 1 and TOLATA cases, offering her assistance from an neutral perspective with the aim of assisting parties to reach a swift resolution to their disputes.
Emily frequently delivers CPD accredited seminars to groups of lawyers, and is regularly approached to conduct bespoke training in her areas of expertise. She is published in the Family Law Journal, is a case reviewer for Nagalro, Seen & Heard Journal, and has recently taken up the position of Blog Editor of the Financial Remedies Journal. Emily is a published author, being responsible for chapters in both ‘Cohabitation: Law, Practice and Precedents’ and ‘Butterworths Family Law Service’.
Able to accept instructions under the Direct Access scheme, Emily can also provide advice and representation direct to the public.
• Author contributor of the leading text ‘Cohabitation: Law, Practice and Precedents’.
• Author contributor of two chapters in Butterworths Family Law Service.
• Lectures for Resolution, FLBA and the Judicial College, as well as for solicitors/lawyers.
• Blog Editor and a member of the Financial Remedies Journal Editorial Board.
• Multiple publications in Family Law Journal.
• Case reviewer for Nagalro.
Consistently recommended as a Leading Junior in the legal directories since 2017:
"Emily builds a great rapport with clients and is a determined advocate.Emily is a fantastic advocate and she has a great way with clients. She is calm, collected and sensible. She is focused on finding the best outcome for clients, with a sensible approach. She's very technical, good on her feet, and judges like her." (Chambers and Partners - Band 1 Finance and Band 2 Children, 2025)
'Emily is a very high quality junior: sensible, intelligent and respected, she fights hard when needed. The family law world is her oyster.Emily Ward‘s ’eye for detail is phenomenal. Emily is an excellent communicator, who quickly makes clients feel at ease. She is well prepared, fights hard when she needs to, and knows how to land the killer blow in her papers and cross-examination. Emily Ward is ’a high quality junior on financial cases‘, and is often instructed in cases involving complex trust structures, pre-acquired wealth and pre- and post-nuptial agreements.” (Legal 500, 2025)
Emily Ward is a high-quality junior who covers a broad range of topics across family law. She is respected for her work on highly complex financial remedies, often involving various asset types and acting for high net worth individuals. She is further experienced in handling sensitive children cases including relocations, in which she acts on behalf of children and parents alike (Chambers and Partners - Band 1 Finance and Band 2 Children, 2024)
‘Emily is phenomenally bright and personable - a combination that puts clients at ease from the outset. Her cross examination is first rate, and she will fight tooth and nail for the client to achieve the right outcome.' (2023)
‘Emily Ward is a high-quality junior who covers a broad range of topics across family law. She is respected for her work on highly complex financial remedies, often involving various asset types and acting for high net worth individuals. She is further experienced in handling sensitive children cases including relocations, in which she acts on behalf of children and parents alike. Emily Ward is a high-quality junior who covers a broad range of topics across family law. She is respected for her work on highly complex financial remedies, often involving various asset types and acting for high net worth individuals. She is further experienced in handling sensitive children cases including relocations, in which she acts on behalf of children and parents alike. Emily combines a great legal brain with her feet firmly on the ground. She has a good manner with clients, who appreciate her pragmatic approach, as well as sound legal advice.' (2023)
‘A high quality junior.’ ‘She is a highly skilled advocate, knowledgeable, and clients like her down-to-earth manner and caring approach.’ ‘Emily is an outstanding advocate who is also fantastic with clients. She always goes the extra mile and works very hard on her written work.’ (2022)
‘A very talented junior, with an extremely bright future. She is a calm and measured advocate, who presents her clients' cases in a strong and persuasive manner. ’ (2022)
‘She punches well above her weight and is not afraid to tackle very complex cases and holds her own against senior opponents. Good knowledge of the law, very down to earth with clients, easy to contact with instructions provides excellent feedback on how a case has progressed or settled in court proceedings. Strong advocate.’ (2021)
‘She's superb - she's got a brain the size of Britain! She has worked on some complex cases where the chances of winning would be slim but pulled off some good results.’ ‘She is very down to earth and can put a client at ease within minutes. She's good at delivering difficult advice clearly.’ ‘She's just an all-round great performer and wise beyond her years.’ (2021)
‘She holds her own against far more senior opponents.’ (2020)
‘A rising star whose expertise spans a range of family law matters, with a focus on matrimonial finance and child-related cases. She represents parents and local authorities in various care proceedings which often involve complex medical evidence.’ ‘She is an exceptional advocate with a great eye for detail who consistently impresses with her representation in both financial and children proceedings.’ ‘She offers great client care and is fearless.’ (2020)
Financial Remedy & Schedule 1
Emily is an established matrimonial finance specialist and is highly sought after in financial remedy and schedule 1 cases. She acts for clients from pre-issue, where focus is primarily upon strategy, settlement and advice as to evidence, through to final hearings and on appeal. Her case load comprises high net worth clients with large incomes and substantial capital, business, trust assets and/or extensive pension provision, as well as difficult cases where needs exceed the available assets.
Emily is experienced in advising in cases where the issues include pre-acquired wealth, inheritance, complex business and trust structures, liquidity issues and nuptial agreements. She is also often approached to advise in cases where there have been substantial personal injury awards. Her recent and current cases include:
• Advising in relation to a substantial discretionary family trust, created after a lottery win (+£9m).
• Representation of a party with significant company assets, including a limited company valuation of £5.9m.
• Securing findings of undisclosed assets and foreign income in China. Complex issues concerning jurisdiction and enforcement.
• Advising and drafting pre-nuptial agreement in a high value case with assets in the UK, Russia, Germany, Austria and Iran.
• Currently instructed in a case where assets exceed £12m.
Private Children
In addition, Emily’s family practice encompasses all areas Private Children Law. She advises and represents clients in a wide range of applications, and she is a favourite in cases involving intractable contact disputes, implacable hostility and vulnerable individuals. She is frequently praised for her sensitive yet sensible approach with clients. Recognised for her sensitive approach, Emily has dealt with a significant number of cases in which there has been a parent death or terminal diagnosis of a parent.
Emily also represents clients in cases involving domestic abuse, including coercive and controlling behaviour allegations and also cases where false allegations of abuse against parents and/or children have been made.
Her latest children cases include:
• Representation of a parent at a finding of fact hearing concerning multiple serious allegations of physical, psychological, emotional and sexual abuse against the resident parent and the children, including multiple rape and GBH.
• Representing two professional people at multi-day fact findings hearings in which allegations of coercive and controlling behaviour were found proved.
• Acting for a parent in a case where false allegations of sexual abuse were made against him, and found after trial to have been fabricated by the other parent.
• Acting for grandparents in a case where their son had been killed, contact with grandchildren stopped by the other parent and allegations of sexual abuse made against one of the grandparents. Findings of fabrication were made and contact was reinstated.
Emily’s civil law practice incorporates a range of matters, including land and trust disputes (to which she brings extensive legal knowledge from her authorship and editorship in leading practitioner cohabitation texts), Inheritance (Provision for Family and Dependents) Act 1975 claims, and bankruptcy and insolvency in a family law context.
Given her family law practice, Emily has particular specialism in civil and chancery matters with a family element, including advising in professional negligence issues stemming from family law proceedings/advice and land and trust disputes in a family setting.
Emily’s recent cases include:
• Acting for a client resisting an application to annul his bankruptcy petition. Linked financial remedy proceedings.
• Representing an intervener in civil proceedings (the family proceedings having been stayed pending the outcome of the civil dispute) concerning various property transactions and arguments as to beneficial interests in property.
• Currently instructed in two cross-over cases where issues of financial remedy and probate collide.
• Currently instructed in five farming cases, which include partnership disputes and third party property rights.
Notable Cases
Re W [2016] EWCA Civ 793 (July 2016) – Representation of grandparents on pro-bono basis unled against three silks. Important and leading case in relation to adoption.
Re W (Adoption – Contact) [2016] EWHC 3118 (Fam) – Re-hearing of Re W (below). Appeared against a silk unled.
Re W [2016] EWHC 2437 (Fam) - First instance contested adoption case.
IC v RC [2020] EWHC 2997 (Fam) – Important case in relation to the slip rule and legal principles associated thereto.
SH (A Child) [2020] EWHC 1510 (Fam)
O v O (2020): Finding of fact hearing in private children proceedings where Emily’s client was accused of sexually abusing his step-daughter over a prolonged period of time. Careful consideration and handling of the child witness was required taking account of advocates toolkits and special measures.
W v W (2021): Representation of the respondent in high value and complex financial remedy proceedings in a civil partnership dispute. Significant issues in the case included the respondent’s: (i) substantial pre-acquired assets; (ii) the respondent’s interest in a by-pass trust (c.£1M); (iii) significant inherited assets; (iv) shareholding in a company with a value of £16.6M; and, (v) interest in a newly incorporated company. Expert evidence was required, including in relation to the impact of Covid-19 and extraction of funds for the settlement. The added complication in this case was the short length of the marriage, but also the applicant’s health needs and the potential for ongoing spousal maintenance payable by the respondent. Case settled on a clean break basis, which excluded the majority of the pre-acquired assets.
F v M (2021): Representation of a father contested jurisdiction proceedings in the High Court. The final hearing, which ran over four days, involved complex issues of fact, with multiple witnesses giving evidence from different countries, and complex issues of law (including Qatari law) were considered.
Alex Verdan KC
Door Tenant - Call: 1987 | Silk: 2006
Alex Verdan KC (Door Tenant)
B.A. (Hons)
Dip. Law
Deputy High Court Judge 2009
Recorder 2004
Editor Butterworths Family Law Service
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Alex Verdan KC specialises in complex and serious children cases, particularly those involving high conflict, relocation, child fatalities, significant injuries and serious abuse. Alex also has extensive experience in Inquiries.
Other information:
Alex Verdan KC practises from 4 PB in London, where he has been Head of Chambers since 2002.
In the Family Law field, Alex Verdan KC needs no introduction. He is one of the UK’s foremost children law barristers. He won Chambers & Partners UK’s prestigious Family Law Silk of the Year award in 2012 and 2018. He is ranked as a starred individual in Chambers & Partners and in band 1 in the Legal 500.
Alex joined Broadway House in December 2012.
Alex has been in practice for over 30 years and over that time has built up extensive experience in all types of children cases. The majority of his practice is now in London. Alex regularly lectures at family law conferences and seminars and provides training for judges, solicitors, psychiatrists and social workers. He writes for various publications including Family Law Week, Solicitors Journal and New Law Journal.
Alex Verdan KC specialises in complex and serious children cases, particularly those involving high conflict, relocation, child fatalities, significant injuries, serious abuse, factitious illness, intractable contact disputes. Notably, Alex was instructed by the children in reputedly the longest-running care case in English legal history – with the threshold hearing lasting 5 months – and recently completed a 30-day fact-finding hearing.
He also has extensive experience in Inquiries. Alex represented one of the local authorities in the Victoria Climbié Inquiry, was Counsel to the Isle of Man Commission of Inquiry into the Care of Young People and represented two local authorities in the recent Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). He is a frequent adviser to local authorities on policy issues, and to the media in relation to various aspects of family law.
Notable Cases
Re MY v FY [2020] EWFC 48
Re SX (A Child) [2020] 1573
A Local Authority v Mother & Others [2020] EWHC 1086
Re AB v CD v C [2019] EWHC 1695
Williams v Hackney [2018] UKSC 37
Re AB [2018] EWFC 3
Re L [2017] EWCA Civ 2173
Re C [2017] EWHC 692
Re RA [2016] EWFC 47
Re R [2016] EWCA Civ 1130
Re S [2016] EWCA Civ 1020
Sutton LBC v MH v RH v NH [2016] EWHC 1375
Ciccione v Ritchie [2016] EWHC 616
Andrzej Bojarski KC
Door Tenant - Call 1995 | Silk 2024
Andrzej Bojarski KC
Barrister, Arbitrator and Mediator
LLB (Hons) London School of Economics
Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers
Member of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators (MCIArb)
Family Law Bar Association
Chancery Bar Association
Gray’s Inn
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Andrzej Bojarski KC is a senior barrister and a leading ADR practitioner (as a family law arbitrator and a mediator), with a practice which has an unrivalled span across family law and chancery law. He is routinely instructed in cases involving complex business and trust structures, difficult issues of commercial law or corporate law, or with claims involving third parties. Much of his case load involves cross-border international elements. As well as his matrimonial work he deals with the chancery aspects of family disputes, including ToLATA claims and Inheritance Act disputes. He has developed particular expertise in crypto assets and FinTech.
Andrzej is also one of the most experienced and frequently chosen arbitrators and private FDR neutral evaluators. He is also a popular and effective mediator, known for bringing calmness to acrimonious disputes and finding creative solutions to apparently intractable problems.
Andrzej writes and lectures widely on English family law. He has been the Consultant Editor of the last two editions of the Matrimonial and Civil Partnership Law volumes of the authoritative legal encyclopaedia Halsbury’s Laws of England and he is also the author of a leading textbook on financial remedies in divorce.
"A silent assassin. Pleasant and solutions-focused, he's forward-thinking and amicable with his opposite number, but in court he's ruthless in the way he presents the case and makes submissions to judges."
"A super advocate who is very easy to listen to. He's focused, he doesn't take nonsense points and he makes the most of his good ones. His cross-examination is really good."
"Andrzej Bojarski is excellent - he's very calm and very well-liked by his clients. He gives good advice and his paperwork and preparation are perfect."
(Chambers and Partners, 2023)
‘Andrzej brings his advocacy skills to the private judging sphere. He is thorough, empathetic and kind, hugely intelligent, and probably thinking five steps ahead of the advocates in front of him on every case, hard-working and keen to find/broker settlement. He is fully resolution-focused and will leave no stone unturned in trying to get a couple to that end.’
‘Andrzej gives clear well thought and excellent advice. He is a very good advocate and unfailingly polite to all involved. He is reliable and hugely experienced. He puts clients at their ease.’ He has ‘excellent client care skills’ and is an ‘incredibly easy barrister to work with’.
(Legal 500, 2023)
"Andrzej is fair-minded, technical and able to deal with the most difficult areas of family law."
"He really gets under the skin of the case from an early stage, and is personable, calm and understated. His technical knowledge is excellent."
"He is well prepared, very knowledgeable and has a great eye for detail."
"He's very financially astute, and I rate him very highly"
(Chambers & Partners, 2020)
"Has the ability to untangle the most complicated financial setup and then offer practical advice." (Legal 500, 2020)
"Andrzej is a master for detail and an excellent draftsman."(Chambers & Partners, 2019)
"He wins by being clever, persuasive and rational." (Chambers & Partners, 2019)
"Go-to individual for financial work. I know I can trust him and he will cut to the chase. He is brilliant with the client too." (Chambers & Partners, 2017)
"A very accomplished advocate. Good on paper and in court." (Chambers & Partners, 2017)
"Andrzej is excellent for financial work. His expertise in complicated offshore finances is second to none, and he is a barrister who offers strong advice." (Chambers & Partners, 2017)
"He is just outstanding. He knows the law and procedure like the back of his hand."(Chambers & Partners, 2016)
"Measured, eloquent, sensible" (Chambers & Partners, 2016)
Consultant Editor of the Matrimonial and Civil Partnership Law volumes of Halsbury’s Laws of England.
Author of Unlocking Matrimonial Assets on Divorce (Family Law, 3rd edition 2012)
Author of numerous articles and regular presenter of webinars, seminars and lectures on family law.
Ranked as a leading practitioner for financial remedies work and ADR by both the Legal 500 and Chambers and Partners.
Finance: Andrzej is very highly rated as one of the most knowledgeable and skilled lawyers in the field of family finance, dealing with cases where the parties were married and are divorcing, and also in disputes between unmarried couples or resulting from other family relationship breakdowns. He is routinely instructed in the most difficult cases and has particular experience of trusts and complex business structures, usually with a multi-jurisdictional and international dimension. He is also well-known for his experience of and expertise in cases involving crypto-assets and FinTech, business and corporate governance issues in the midst of relationship breakdown, and property disputes involving families, including in relation to the estates of the deceased.
While he was still a junior barrister the influential Chambers & Partners Bar rankings listed Andrzej as one of only four “Star Individuals” in Matrimonial Finance work in London.
ADR: Andrzej has been a family law arbitrator since 2012 and has been acting as a neutral evaluator in private FDRs since 2017. He has conducted in excess of 200 arbitrations and private FDRs with many clients regarding him as the ‘go to’ tribunal in difficult cases. The Legal 500 says “Andrzej brings his advocacy skills to the private judging sphere. He is thorough, empathetic and kind, hugely intelligent, and probably thinking five steps ahead of the advocates in front of him on every case, hard-working and keen to find/broker settlement. He is fully resolution-focused and will leave no stone unturned in trying to get a couple to that end.”
International: Many of Andrzej’s cases involve an international dimension and he has extensive experience of jurisdictional disputes and the tracing or assets and enforcement of orders across international borders. He is also regularly approached to offer advice on English law to lawyers overseas. Andrzej is a Fellow of the International Academy of Family Lawyers.
Notable Cases
Unger v Ul Hasan [2023] UKSC 22. Seminal Supreme Court decision on whether unadjudicated matrimonial claims survive the death of a party.
Baker v Baker [2022] EWFC 15 and [2023] EWFC 136. Successful repudiation of a wife’s claim that a husband had undisclosed assets of over $30 million.
Joseph v Grandison [2019] EWHC 977 (Fam). Successful enforcement of a ‘best endeavours’ injunction.