Guy Swiffen
Call: 1991
Guy Swiffen
BA (Hons) History, Reading University
L.Dip. City University, London
Legal 500
Chambers and Partners
T: 01274 722560 or 0113 246 2600
Guy has been at the Bar since 1991 and has practised exclusively in the field of children law for over 20 years. He began his career in London and then moved to the North of England in the late 1990s. Since then he has forged a heavyweight practice which takes him to all parts of the North of England dealing with many of the most complex cases being heard in the region. His reputation is very high amongst both his peers and the Judiciary, and he is recognised in Chambers and Partners and the Legal 500 year on year.
He has been described as a “bright and stunningly good junior.” He is known to be an incisively devastating cross examiner. Over the years his practise has taken him to developing the forensic skills to challenge the analyses and opinions of medical experts in the witness box. Complimenting his forensic skills is an excellent knowledge of the legislation and case law. He is happy to operate at all court levels: he has had the experience of taking a case all the way to the House of Lords. He prides himself on having a friendly and approachable relationship with clients and solicitors alike.
He often acts against Silks as a leading Junior (leading both Junior Counsel and solicitors).
"He's very easy to work with, responsive, and very good at what he does." (Chambers and Partners, 2025)
“Guy is exceptional. When instructed on complex matters, his knowledge and experience of such cases is unsurpassed. He is always totally prepared, level headed, extremely professional but also approachable, emphatic and attentive to clients. His cross examination is cool, calm yet completely masterful.” (Legal 500, 2025)
“Guy Swiffen is well regarded for his ability to handle an eclectic mix of children-related work, ranging from abuse allegations and child injuries to care proceedings. He regularly acts for parents, intervenors and local authorities alike, which further illustrates his holistic practice. An excellent advocate with good technical knowledge of the law. Guy has very good client skills and is able to cut through complex cases with ease. A superb and skilful advocate who is excellent on his feet." (Chambers and Partners, 2024)
“Guy is very experienced and deals with high-level public law children cases" (Chambers and Partners, 2023)
“An unflappable barrister. His forthright manner and confidence sets all in the court room at ease. He has a keen analytical mind" (Legal 500, 2023)
“Ability to handle an eclectic mix of children-related work, ranging from abuse allegations and child injuries to care proceedings. He regularly acts for parents, intervenors and local authorities alike, which further illustrates his holistic practice. "Guy Swiffen is very good in complex medical cases." (Chambers & Partners, 2022)
"Guy is a tenacious and fearless advocate. Excellent with clients. His persuasive powers are second to none. Ability to handle an eclectic mix of children-related work, ranging from abuse allegations and child injuries to care proceedings. He regularly acts for parents, intervenors and local authorities alike, which further illustrates his holistic practice. Guy Swiffen is very good in complex medical cases." (Legal 500, 2022)
Guy regularly leads webinar and seminars on behalf of Broadway House Chambers’ Children Team. Talks include:
• 2022 so far : latest ABE guidance and recent case law
• ‘Just 17, do you know what it means?”: recent case law
• “Aftermath of B-S : where are we now?”
• “Child abduction and habitual residence : what is the test ?”
• Private law case law update
• The implications of Re R in the post B-S landscape
Public Law
In care proceedings he has extensive experience in representing local authorities throughout the North of England in complex proceedings (including against Leading Counsel). He also has a substantial body of work representing parents and other family members (including those with physical and learning disabilities) as well as Guardians and the Official Solicitor. His practise often deals with child fatalities as well as physical, sexual and emotional abuse.
Private Law
In addition he has a substantial practice in all aspects of Private Law Children Work. This includes applications to remove children from the jurisdiction, Child Abduction, and applications for Child Arrangement Orders (including internal relocation). He has extensive experience in making emergency applications (often before High Court Judges) as well as dealing with issues of a jurisdictional complexity.
Notable Cases
P and Q ( minors ) ( inadequate local authority assessment ) [2024] EWFC 153 ( risk assessment by the LA deemed inadequate – consideration of whether there should be further assessment balanced against the consequent delay in finalising the proceedings)
P and Q ( minors ) ( care orders : placement at home ) [2024] WWFC 154 ( review of the recent authorities on placing children at home under a Care Order versus a Supervision Order. Consideration of the test of “exceptionality”).
BC v a local authority and others [2024] EWHC 1639 ( law on changing the name - including first name - involving a 16 year old child subject to a care order where the LA and the parents opposed the change).
Re S ( a child ) ( 2010 ) EWCA Civ 1363
Whether the local authority had breached the mother’s Human Rights by the circumstances in which it had removed her child from her care whilst she was in prison
Re A ( contact order ) ( 2010 ) 2FLR 577
Consideration of whether child should have own solicitor instead of representation of interests via a Children’s Guardian : cost element relevant
O –v- N, re B [2003] IUK House of Lords 18 [2003] 1FLR 1169
Correct approach taken by the court where the threshold criteria established but the identity of the perpetrator is uncertain
Re B ( non accidental injury : compelling medical evidence ) [2002] 2FLR 1133
Courts’ approach on determining findings in respect of the threshold criteria and evaluating contradictory medical and lay evidence
Re G [2002] 2FCR 377
Contact orders to be made in care and freeing proceedings
Zira Hussain
Call: 1998
Zira Hussain
LLB (Hons ) Law
Legal Aid Supplier Number 305RU
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Zira has practised exclusively in family law for over 20 years and has extensive court experience. Her areas of practice are private and public law children, financial remedies, domestic abuse, forced marriage and honour based violence.
Zira is a fearless, tenacious, conscientious and hardworking barrister. She is known as a fighter and is a strong advocate. She is renowned for her thorough preparation and detailed knowledge of case papers. She combines strong client care skills with robust and effective advocacy. Zira has a reputation for always going the extra mile.
Zira is ranked in the Legal 500 for both Financial Remedy and Children work. Legal 500 states the following:
‘A practical barrister and persuasive advocate who is incisive in cross examination’
‘A very personable junior, organised and has a great manner with clients’
‘Zira is utterly unflappable. She is a stalwart advocate who remains self assured in court’
‘Zira has an exceptional grasp of the facts in a case. Her advocacy is conducted with meticulous preparation’
‘The tenacious Zira Hussain has experience in advising on pre – nuptial agreements’
2018 “She has a great bedside manner with clients”
2019 “Very enthusiastic and a dynamic cross examiner”
Zira was shortlisted for the Family Law Award at the Yorkshire Legal awards 2021, 2022 and 2024. The Yorkshire Legal Awards is the pinnacle of professional excellence, showcasing the best and brightest lawyers, practices and firms the region has to offer.
Zira won the Family Law Award at the Yorkshire Legal Awards 2022.
Zira was also shortlisted at the Yorkshire Legal Awards 2024 in the category of Yorkshire Lawyer of the Year.
Zira was shortlisted at the prestigious Lexis Nexis Family Law Awards 2022 in the category of Family Law Junior Barrister of the Year. The Family Law Awards have firmly established themselves as a highly prestigious event, celebrating the success and achievements of family lawyers and the vital contribution that they make to society.
Zira was nominated by then Legal Services Commission for inclusion in the prestigious Muslim Women Power List 2009. The list was run and devised by the Equalities and Human Rights Commission in partnership with The Times to commend achievements of Muslim women at the top of their profession or on their way to the top and aimed to highlight their contribution to the socio-economic society.
Zira was also nominated for the European Muslim Women of Influence List 2010. Finalists were announced at a gala event in Spain which tied in with the EU Presidency.
Zira has featured in her former university’s marketing and promotional materials. Zira was featured in the Eastern Eye as an inspirational woman. Zira has also featured in a digital magazine as an empowered woman.
Zira accepts instructions to sit as a Private FDR Judge.
Private Law Children
Zira has extensive experience in conducting hearings relating to all aspects of private law children proceedings including child arrangements orders, prohibited steps orders and specific issue orders. Zira represents mothers, fathers, grandparents and other family members. Zira also represents children through their Guardian ad Litem. Zira has a particular interest in applications for leave to remove children from the jurisdiction and applications under the Hague Convention.
Zira has been involved in cases involving complex cultural and jurisdictional issues. She has conducted lengthy finding of fact hearings in these cases. Zira is sought after counsel for findings of fact hearings due to her dynamic cross examination skills. Zira has interest in cases involving religious upbringing of children. She was led by Queens Counsel in a complex case where the court was being asked to determine the religious upbringing of a child Re N (A Child: Religion: Jehovah’s Witness) 2011 EWHC 3737
Public Law Children
Zira has vast experience in complex and difficult public law cases. She represents local authorities, parents, Children’s Guardians and extended family members at all court levels. Zira has a detailed knowledge of the children and adoption legislation and associated case law. She has been instructed in proceedings involving the most serious types of non accidental injuries, neglect, physical, emotional and sexual abuse. Zira is well respected for the quality of her court performance and robust advocacy where necessary.
Zira has interest and experience in matters involving complex medical evidence, mental health issues, problems associated with addiction and cognitive impairment. Zira has experience of acting for those with complex psychiatric issues. She is known for her ability to engage those with complex problems and her commitment to ensuring their rights are properly recognised. She remains committed to representing the most vulnerable. Zira’s approach to vulnerable clients is always sympathetic and sensitive.
Zira has experience advising and representing parties in applications involving children giving evidence. She is also experienced in cross examining children and vulnerable witnesses. Zira has significant experience in cross examining expert witnesses including psychiatrists and psychologists.
Financial Remedies
Zira undertakes all types of work relating to resolving financial issues between divorcing couples. She represents husband, wives and intervenors in proceedings in the Family Court and the High Court.
Zira has experience in dealing with straightforward to complex financial remedy cases including applications under s37 Matrimonial Causes Act 1973, third parties claiming beneficial interests in matrimonial assets, land and foreign property and maintenance pending suit applications.
Zira has experience of dealing with cases involving variation and capitalisation of maintenance, applications to set aside consent orders, appeals in financial remedy proceedings and applications under Schedule 1 of the Children Act 1989. Zira has experience in cases involving consideration and drafting of pre nuptial agreements. She was instructed to draft a pre nuptial agreement for a premier league professional footballer.
Zira is well placed due to her experience in the field of private law children matters to deal with those cases where issues of child arrangements are tied up with the issue of what orders the court should make in respect of the former matrimonial home.
Zira welcomes instructions at the early stages of the proceedings and would wish to see a case through from the First Directions Appointment to Final Hearing in order to provide informed and focused representation at every stage in the proceedings. She will advise realistically, practically and negotiate a settlement where it is in her client’s interests to do so. She will always advise on commerciality of proceedings
Domestic Abuse
Zira is renowned for her experience in the area of domestic abuse. She has the ability to deal with complex and serious domestic abuse cases. Zira represents both alleged victims and alleged perpetrators of such abuse and has conducted lengthy findings of fact hearings. Zira has extensive experience of applications under the Family Law Act 1996 including contested non molestation orders and occupation orders. Zira is known for her meticulous preparation and being able to quickly and expertly get to the core of the dispute and ensure her client receives the best and most robust representation.
Outside of work Zira has chaired a workshop which investigated the experiences of BAME women in accessing legal aid in domestic abuse cases. The ultimate aim of the consultation was to influence proposed legal aid reforms and gather ideas to improve access to legal aid and access to information. The consultation resulted in the publication of a national report titled “ Report on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Women, Domestic Abuse and Access to Legal Aid”
Forced Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation
Zira has particular interest in applications for forced marriage protection orders and female genital mutilation orders having advised and represented local authorities and the police in making applications as well as representing respondents to such applications.
Notable Cases
Re N ( A Child: Religion: Jehovah’s Witness) 2011 EWHC 3737
Helen Williams
Call: 2000
Helen Williams
LLB Hons
Inner Temple
Legal Aid Supplier Number 547EL
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Helen is a specialist in both public law and private children law. Helen is known for being ‘down to earth’ and ‘pragmatic’ and is highly sought after by local solicitors.
Helen presents seminars on behalf of the Family Team including training the local authority on various public law matters.
Public Law
Helen has a particular interest in representing respondent parents and the child. Helen has expertise in working with vulnerable adults and children.
Private Children
Helen deals with all aspects of private law children cases including those where there are significant welfare issues.
Semaab Shaikh
Call: 2002
Semaab Shaikh
LL.B (Hons), University of Birmingham (1999)
LL.M, Comparative, European & Public Law,
University of Birmingham (2000)
Lincoln’s Inn
Legal Aid Supplier Number 835PA
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Semaab Shaikh was called to the Bar in 2002 (Lincolns Inn) and completed her pupillage at Cloisters in London. Prior to coming to the Bar she was employed as a legal adviser and support worker for a domestic violence organisation in the North of England.
She practises in the area of Family Law. Semaab is a highly-rated barrister who since 2010 has been regularly recommended by the Legal 500 for her specialist knowledge and ability to represent clients in the most difficult situations. As an experienced family law barrister she specialises in all aspects of private and public children law; radicalisation cases; domestic abuse; removal from the jurisdiction; international child abduction, forced marriage and female genital mutilation. Semaab appears on behalf of parents, local authorities and children. She has been involved in high profile cases that have attracted local and national media interest. She has a strong interest in the area of forced marriage and cases with an international element.
In addition to her practice, Semaab provides training on children law, domestic abuse, deprivation of liberty, forced marriage, female genital mutilation, the interplay between family law and immigration law and related areas. In November 2018 she provided training on gender based violence as part of the Hong Kong Justice Centre’s annual symposium held at the University of Hong Kong.
From 2008 to 2014 Semaab was appointed to the Bar Council’s Equality and Diversity Committee. In 2018 she was invited to sit on the Advisory Board of the School of Law of the University of Bradford.
Other languages:
“Semaab is a highly skilled advocate: very persuasive and methodical. She is very empathic and understanding, and provides very strategic and sound advice.” (Legal 500, 2025)
“The ‘exemplary’ Semaab Shaikh has an excellent reputation for handling cases involving allegations of international child abduction, sexual abuse, forced marriage, domestic abuse and fabricated or induced illness.” (Legal 500, 2024)
“A formidable court advocate who is excellent under pressure, and demonstrates good empathy with clients.” (Legal 500, 2023)
“Semaab is simply excellent. She works incredibly hard and is always well prepared. Good with difficult clients.” (Legal 500, 2022)
“Tier 1.”(Legal 500 2021)
“Tier 1.”(Legal 500 2020)
“Tier 1.”(Legal 500 2019)
“She has particular expertise in forced marriage cases.” (Legal 500 2018)
“She fights her corner and is very good on her feet.” (Legal 500 2017)
“Demonstrates impressive knowledge of the complexities of children and domestic abuse issues.” (Legal 500 2015)
“In addition to her childcare work, she is experienced in forced marriage cases.” (Legal 500 2014)
“Has a comprehensive understanding of children law and domestic abuse matters.” (Legal 500 2013)
“Totally professional and reliable.” (Legal 500 2012)
“Approachable, very thorough – one step ahead.” (Legal 500 2010)
Semaab is a highly rated barrister and established family law practitioner. She has provided advice and representation from first instance to Court of Appeal level and has experience of making an application to the High Court for permission to “leapfrog” to the Supreme Court. She regularly represents and advises individuals, local authorities and children’s guardians in cases involving the following:
Private children disputes, including where allegations of serious domestic abuse have been raised and in relation to contact, living arrangements, education, temporary and permanent removal from the jurisdiction Public law proceedings , including care and placement order proceedings Adoption Child Abduction, Wardship and applications under the Inherent Jurisdiction Forced Marriage Female Genital Mutilation Cases with an international element Human Rights Act 1998 * Applications under the Family Law Act 1996
Children (Public Law)
In relation to public law care proceedings Semaab has been instructed in cases involving the death of a child, serious non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse (including grooming cases and inter-sibling abuse), factitious illness syndrome and parents with serious drug and alcohol addictions. She has particular experience in advising and representing parties in applications in respect of children giving evidence in family cases and is experienced in cross-examining children and vulnerable witnesses.
Cases of Interest:
Led in a case before Holman J representing a child complainant where allegations of inter-sibling sexual abuse had been made and were successfully proven
Instructed to represent a step-father facing serious allegations of sexual, physical and emotional abuse of children; requiring cross-examination of the eldest child complainant
Advised and represented a local authority in two separate cases seeking and obtaining forced marriage protection orders in respect of victims outside the jurisdiction
Represented a local authority in a case in which children were at risk of significant harm due to the risk of removal by the parents to ISIL controlled areas
Instructed in a case in which the local authority had concerns that a teenage child had been groomed by a paedophile ring and was being sexually exploited
Instructed and led in a case representing a foreign national mother and a “stranded spouse” abroad. At the conclusion of the case, successfully persuaded the local authority to assist the mother in returning to the jurisdiction enabling her to care for the children.
Children (Private Law)
Semaab has in depth knowledge of private children law cases in which domestic abuse has been raised. She has a particular interest in private children law cases with an international element. She has experience of representing vulnerable parties and parents with serious drug and alcohol addictions.
Cases of Interest:
Represented a high profile individual in the entertainment industry facing allegations of serious illicit substance misuse and at the final hearing secured extensive unsupervised contact ;
Instructed to represent a mother with limited leave to remain in the UK where her dual national child had been left in the care of his extended paternal family abroad;
Represented a mother in wardship proceedings , lengthy private law proceedings and public law proceedings. The case concerned complex and protracted proceedings with an international element and the unusual feature of two siblings each living with one parent and for a period of time having no contact with the other sibling or parent.
Notable Cases
Re M (Placement Order) EWCA Civ 214 [2025]
Represented father in complex appellate proceedings relating to international placement and its interplay with the 'nothing else will do' adoptive standard (
BMDC v P [2019]
Represented a child complainant where allegations of inter-sibling sexual abuse had been made and were proven.
BMDC v A [2018]
Instructed to represent a step-father facing serious allegations of sexual, physical and emotional abuse of children; requiring cross-examination of the eldest child complainant.
LCC v VM [2014]
Instructed in a public children law case in which the local authority had concerns that a teenage child had been groomed by a paedophile ring and was being sexually exploited.
LCC v Y [2016]; LCC v N [2016]
Advised and represented the local authority in two separate cases seeking and obtaining forced marriage protection orders in respect of victims outside the jurisdiction.
LA v A [2015]
Represented a local authority in a case in which children were at risk of significant harm due to the risk of removal by the parents to ISIL controlled areas.
BMDC v SK [2014]
Instructed and led in a case representing a foreign national mother stranded abroad and the initial plan for the children was to remain in long-term foster care. At the conclusion of the case, successfully persuaded the local authority to assist the mother in returning to the jurisdiction enabling her to care for the children.
LCC v SB [2019]
Instructed and advised in a case representing a foreign national mother abroad with children in foster care in England. The children’s father was a British national but was deceased. The local authority undertook assessments through CFAB and were persuaded to assist the mother in coming to the UK for the purposes of a further assessment.
HC (A Minor Deprivation of Liberty) [2018] EWHC 2961 (Fam)
Represented the local authority in an application for determination as to whether a placement of a 13 year old child constituted a deprivation of liberty and in the event it did for the Court to grant declaratory relief under its inherent jurisdiction.
Sharn Samra
Call: 2002
Sharn Samra
LL.B. (Hons)(London School of Economics), 2:1
Bar Vocational Course (2002), Very Competent
Member of Lincoln’s Inn
Recorder of the Family Court (North Eastern Circuit)
Recorder of the Financial Remedies Court (North Eastern Circuit)
Deputy District Judge (Civil and Private Children: North Eastern Circuit)
Member of FLBA
Legal Aid Supplier Number 162YG
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Sharn is a family law specialist and has developed a strong reputation across all areas of her practise during 20 years at the Bar. She is a formidable advocate who is known for both her meticulous case preparation and personable manner.
Sharn regularly presents seminars to lawyers and non-lawyers both regionally and nationally. Recent presentations include: The Domestic Abuse Act 2021 and Fact-Finding Hearings within Public Law Proceedings.
Family Law
Within financial remedy proceedings, Sharn is particularly renowned for her ability to grapple with complex finances and has considerable experience in multi-party cases involving third party interests and bankruptcy matters.
In public law cases, Sharn acts on behalf of all parties at all levels of the Family Court, including regular representation of Local Authorities. She has significant experience in cases involving an international element including forced marriage cases.
Within private law cases, Sharn has a long standing interest in cases involving domestic abuse and is known for her sensitivity in representing vulnerable parties for which she has undertaken specialist training.
Notable Cases
X v. Y [2022]: Sharn successfully represented a Mother within private law proceedings at a 5 day finding of fact hearing, securing all findings as sought in respect of domestic abuse against the Father. There was a central element of controlling and coercive behaviour. Special measures were sought on the Mother’s behalf and the issues highlighted in Re H-N were addressed.
A Local Authority v. S v. S v. S [2021]: Sharn represented the LA in respect of its application for a forced marriage protection order. Sharn provided ongoing advice and representation during the proceedings on issues of: habitual residence, jurisdiction and care planning. A forced marriage protection order was made at the conclusion of the proceedings and a transfer of jurisdiction to Romania.
A Local Authority v. X (A Mother) & Ors [2020] EWFC B7:Sharn represented the LA in its application for care and placement orders and was successfully able to persuade the court that deemed service could be granted in circumstances where direct personal service on the parents had not been possible.
A Local Authority v. B v. E v. E [2020]: Application for care and placement orders lasting over 2 years. Sharn represented the child throughout. The mother had a learning disability, requiring an interpreter and an intermediary. Listed for an 11 day hybrid final hearing in November 2020; care and placement orders made.
DS v. LS v. JS [2019]: Successful private law appeal on behalf of a grandmother against the decision of lay magistrates within private law proceedings. The case concerned an 8 year old who had lived with his grandmother for the majority of his life. The appeal was allowed and the case remitted with CAFCASS being invited to allocate a new officer; child stayed with grandmother.
Rachel Mellor
Call: 2004
Rachel Mellor
LL.B (Hons)
LL.M, Human Rights Law
Lincoln’s Inn
Attorney General’s Regional Panel A
Fee-paid Employment Judge
Chambers & Partners
Legal Aid Supplier Number 181HG
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Rachel Mellor is an integral part of Broadway House Chambers’ Employment Law and Family Law Teams. Formerly a freelance advocate on the Midland and Western Circuits, she is a respected barrister who is a popular choice in cases involving complex areas of law.
‘"Rachel has a good reputation and is an excellent advocate."
(Chambers and Partners, 2025)
‘"Rachel Mellor is a distinguished advocate who is highlighted for her handling of a range of employment cases including those concerning discrimination and unfair dismissal. She is recognised for her ability to draw from her human rights law knowledge. She is a very impressive barrister: confident and professional with clients and a strong advocate in hearings"
(Chambers and Partners, 2022-2024)
Rachel is a member of the Attorney General Regional Panel as Panel A Counsel.
Rachel Mellor is a fee-paid Employment Judge of the Employment Tribunals (England and Wales), assigned to the North West Region (part-time).
Rachel is also a Recorder assigned to sit on the North Eastern Circuit dealing with family cases (part-time).
Rachel delivers webinars and seminars on behalf of Broadway House Chambers’ Family Law and Employment Law Teams. Recent seminars include:
Employment Law
- Breakfast @ Broadway – A monthly Employment Law Update
- Equality Act 2010 (2019)
- Annual Conferences:
- Employment Law- Privilege (2019)
- Employment Law- Continuity of Employment and the Impact of Furlough (2020)
- Interim Relief (2021)
Family Law
- Unregulated Placements - Public Law Children(2020)
- Adoption and Children (Coronavirus)(Amendment) Regulations (2020)
Rachel has practised family law since she joined Chambers in 2006 during which time she has built up extensive experience. For the last 5 years Rachel has specialised in Public Law proceedings and regularly receives instructions on behalf of Local Authorities, parents and children. Rachel has an understanding of the different needs of clients and tailors her approach accordingly; she is acutely aware that many parents are vulnerable, often with their own particular needs who require additional support. She welcomes the opportunity to meet with clients in advance of forthcoming hearings.
She appears at all levels of the Family Court and conducts cases ranging from neglect cases to complex cases involving multiple experts including inflicted injuries, child sex exploitation and sex abuse and removal from the jurisdiction.
In addition to her advocacy experience Rachel undertakes advisory work and is more than happy to assist with any drafting such as Part 25 applications or Human Rights claims for example in misuse of section 20 agreements.
Rachel also, along with the rest of the Broadway House Family Team, provides CPD training and delivers seminars both at the Annual Family Conference and in house at Solicitors’ offices.
Rachel has practised employment law since she joined Chambers in 2006 and has consequently built up varied and extensive experience this is reflected in her appointment to the Attorney General’s Panel of Counsel (employment law) in 2012. Representing both claimants and respondents in the Employment Tribunal she is regularly instructed on matters ranging from unfair dismissal to discrimination, parental rights, breach of contract and redundancy. Rachel has an interest in discrimination claims in particular disability and sex discrimination and has received instructions from wide ranging clients in these areas from individual claimant’s to public bodies such as NHS England, Local Government and schools.
As well as her advocacy experience Rachel undertakes advisory and drafting work including pre action and settlement agreements.
Along with the rest of Broadway House Employment Team she also provides CPD seminars and other training including mock tribunals which can be tailored towards both lawyers or non lawyers such as HR staff.
Notable Cases
Cyprien v Bradford Grammar School [2013] UKEAT 0306_12_1503
Disability discrimination – exclusions/jurisdiction – Jurisdictional points – claim in time – effective date of termination – negligent omissions of employer – application of principle in Mateuszowicz v Kingston upon Hull City Council – extension of time – whether just and equitable to extend time.
Kiran Dhillon
Call: 2005
Kiran Dhillon
LL.B (Hons), King’s College, London (2004)
LL.M University College, London (2006)
Neville Laski Scholarship, Inner Temple (2006)
Inner Temple
Legal Aid Supplier Number 217XJ
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Kiran Dhillon previously practised in London and joined chambers in 2012. Since then, she has built up a strong practice in the following areas: Family and Civil law.
Kiran is fluent in Punjabi.
Kiran Dhillon has established a busy practice in this field. She accepts instructions in private and public law Children Act 1989 matters and has experience in representing parents and Local Authorities in cases of considerable complexity. Kiran can be relied upon to combine frank yet sensitive advice in Children Act matters, as well as in cases where injunctive relief is sought. She is a robust advocate.
Kiran Dhillon has considerable expertise in civil litigation. Regularly instructed on fast and multi-track cases. Her practice covers both Claimant and Defendant work. Her attention to detail is consistently noted.
- Personal Injury law: cases ranging from employer’s liability and workplace injuries to road traffic accidents and infant approvals. She has been briefed in cases involving singular as well as multiple injuries and is often asked to advise on complex issues on liability and quantum. Kiran can be relied upon to produce high-quality statements of case and aims to complete paper briefs within 14 days of receipt.
- Medical Negligence: advises on prospects of success; drafts concise statements of case and aims to complete within 14 days of receipt of instructions.
- Breach of contract: examples of work- breach of restrictive covenants; payment of debt; consumer and commercial contracts. Has appeared in the Court of Appeal in a breach of contract matter.
- Costs: precedent cost budgets; advises on costs in general.
- Housing: regularly instructed in possession proceedings; acts both for tenants and landlords.
- Property: landlord and tenant disputes e.g. disrepair, possession, leases, freeholds, boundary disputes, easements etc.
Notable Cases
Represented a vulnerable young mother with mental health difficulties before the President of the Family Division, who referred to her as being “very capable”.
Represented a Local Authority in a baby shaking case, which resulted in multiple injuries, including retinal haemorrhages.
Represented a Mother accused of intentionally burning her young daughter.
Advised a Local Authority on jurisdiction- specifically on BAII not applying where there was a placement order application.
Represented a Father in prolonged private law proceedings (high level of adult conflict), which resulted in a transfer of residence in his favour.
Kerry Barker
Call: 2013 (Solicitor 2003)
Kerry Barker
B.A. (Hons), Law & Business (1998)
Admitted as a Solicitor (2003)
Lincoln’s Inn
Legal Aid Supplier Number 02CXW
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Kerry Barker is a barrister who specialises in Family Law. Having previously qualified as a solicitor in 2003, Kerry practices exclusively in this area and represents clients in private law and public law matters. As a solicitor Kerry was a member of the Law Society’s Children Panel and also held her higher court advocacy rights; recognising her position as an experienced solicitor-advocate.
Since Kerry joined Broadway House Chambers’ highly-rated Family Law Team in March 2013 she has developed a busy practice exclusively in family law. As a family law specialist for over 15 years Kerry has built up extensive knowledge in all areas of family law.
Kerry is well known for providing clients with realistic and sensible advice at all stages of proceedings and for conducting hearings in a measured manner. Kerry’s friendly and approachable manner make her a popular choice for vulnerable clients.
“You are a star Kerry. Your thoroughness and attention to detail is appreciated.”
(Bradford Solicitor)
Kerry has considerable experience of cases involving different cultures, which often require an interpreter.
Kerry is able to accept instructions under the Direct Access Scheme.
Public Law
Kerry acts for clients in difficult and complex cases involving non-accidental injuries, sexual abuse, domestic violence and mental health aspects, and is known for her high competence and thoroughness as an advocate in very sensitive matters at every level in the unified family jurisdiction. Kerry is also instructed by Local Authorities at all levels of public law proceedings.
Kerry Barker has a very busy public law practice which is characterised by representing parties in very complex cases where in most cases expert evidence has been relied upon. Recent cases include significant and chronic neglect, multiple fractures and bruises, and psychological/psychiatric evidence. Kerry has represented Local Authorities and parents in lengthy (10 day plus) finding of fact and final hearings.
Kerry conducts cases involving applications for care and supervision orders; contact with children in care; discharge proceedings; placement and adoption orders; and special guardianship orders. In these proceedings Kerry represents parents, grandparents, children and other interested parties in complex care proceedings. As a solicitor she was also a member of the Children Panel and, accordingly, her experience in representing children is considerable.
Some examples of Kerry’s recent cases include:
- Representation of mother in Public Law proceedings where the Local Authority supported by the Children’s Guardian sought Care and Placement Order. The final hearing included cross examination of expert witnesses where the issues related to the mother’s alcohol use. Kerry successfully opposed the plans of the Local Authority and the court made an order allowing the child to return to the care of the mother under a Child Arrangements Order.
- At a three day interim care hearing Kerry successfully opposed the plans of the Local Authority to remove two children from the care of parents due to issues of chronic neglect. In this hearing Kerry represented the father. The children remained in the care of the parents subject to an interim care order pending further assessments.
- Representation of young mother with learning disabilities in Public Law proceedings where the Local Authority were applying for Care and Placement orders. The final hearing took place over 8 days and included lengthy cross examination of expert witnesses.
- Representation of Local Authority at Final hearing which was heard over eight days. The Children’s Guardian did not support the plans of the Local Authority. Kerry was successful in persuading the court to approve the Local Authority plans.
- Cases involving adoption where applications for leave to revoke a Placement Order and leave to oppose an Adoption Order have been made.
Private Law
Kerry Barker also represents parties in private law cases, including those where there are significant welfare issues. She is regularly instructed in residence, contact, prohibited steps, specific issue order applications and leave to remove from the jurisdiction (both internal and external) and is able to provide advice on discrete matters of law and evidence.
Kerry’s private law practice is dominated by complex cases including issues such as long-standing domestic abuse, allegations of rape and sexual abuse, allegations of violence to children, and removal from the jurisdiction. Kerry is a favorite amongst solicitors for her delicate approach to such sensitive matters.
Some examples of Kerry’s recent cases include:
- Representation of mother in private law proceedings in the High Court. The issues before the court related to competing jurisdictional arguments between UK and Greece.
- Representation of the child within private law proceedings where the issue before the court was one of Jurisdiction. It was being argued that the proceedings ought to be stayed and proceedings transferred to Scotland. Kerry successfully argued that the UK has jurisdiction.
- Representation of father within private law proceedings where the mother had applied to remove the child from the jurisdiction to Pakistan. Kerry was successful in opposing the mother’s application.
- Representation of client within proceedings where the mother sought to relocate over 200 miles within the UK. Kerry successfully opposed the mother’s application on behalf of the father.
- Kerry has dealt with a number of cases involving same-sex relationships and is well versed in case law relating to the area.
Domestic Violence
Kerry is regularly instructed to represent parties before the court in connection with applications under the Family Law Act 1996. Additionally, Kerry also represents parties in applications arising under the Protection From Harassment Act 1997. In this area, Kerry represents both applicants and respondents in cases which involve very serious harm. Kerry’s approachability and friendly nature makes her a popular choice for vulnerable clients.
Notable Cases
AB v Durham County Council [2024] EWFC 15
High Court - In November 2024, Kerry Barker represented the Local Authority in the case of AB v Durham County Council. AB (father) made an application to revoke the placement order that was issued in 2023.The application was refused as it was found that the children's best interests lie with the prospective adopters.
A Metropolitan District Council v M & Ors [2019] EWFC 15
Kerry was Junior Counsel, Led by Gillian Irving QC instructed to represent the Applicant Local Authority in which the Local Authority sought care orders in relation to 6 children. The case involved serious allegations of sexual abuse; expert evidence and was heard over 10 days.
C (A Child: Serious Physical Injuries fact finding ) [2018] EWFC 13
Kerry represented the mother at the fact finding hearing which was heard over eight days before Holman J. The issue before the court was who had caused very significant injuries to the child who was just 5 weeks old at the time she sustained her injuries. The mother was exonerated from causing the injuries.
Re W ( A Child) [2017] EWFC B42
Representation of the Children’s Guardian on an application made by the Local Authority for Leave to Appeal. In this case, Kerry appeared against Leading Counsel.
Re B ( A Child: Guardianship Order) [2017] EWFC B39
Representation of the mother in Public Law Proceedings where the court was faced with the decision as to whether to make a Special Guardianship Order or Care Order.
Re P ( A Child) [2016] EWFC B42
Representation of mother in Public Law proceedings where the Local Authority sought final Care and Placement Orders.
Susan Sanders
Call: 2015
Susan Sanders
MA (Hons), University of Edinburgh, Persian and Social Anthropology (1999)
Graduate Diploma in Law (2014, Distinction)
Bar Professional Training Course (2015, Outstanding)
Middle Temple
Queen Mother Scholar (2014)
Family Law Mediator
Legal Aid Supplier Number 02ENW
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Susan joined Broadway House in September 2016 after successfully completing a mixed pupillage.
She practises family and immigration law and has a particular interest and expertise in the overlap between these two areas. She is qualified to undertake work on a direct access basis.
Susan has an insightful approach and is regularly instructed to represent those who require sensitive and considerate client-care.
Before coming to the Bar Susan worked for human rights organisations and campaigned and carried out research in Afghanistan for Amnesty International. Susan speaks French and Farsi.
Susan is a family mediator and is available to mediate in cases involving child arrangements disputes and financial issues after separation.
Unreasonable law – contested divorce and the case of Owens v Owens
- Public Law Children: Deprivation of Liberty (2018)
- Disclosure of Material: Family & Criminal Proceedings (2018)
- Gatekeeping the IAC- Restrictions on appeal rights: Third Country, Clearly Unfounded and Remove First Certificates (2018)
- Trafficking and Age assessments (2019)
- ‘Immigration Applications for Children in Care & Immigration Issues for Kinship Carers/Parents Abroad’ (2021)
- How to prepare for a Deportation Appeal – Family and Private Life (2022)
Legal Directories
“Her approach to advocacy is creative and engaging, whilst also being measured and sensitive. A junior who demonstrates careful and methodical reasoning.” (Legal 500, 2025)
“Susan is a very diligent barrister, with extensive knowledge of asylum and immigration law. She is an excellent communicator, and her ability to listen to clients puts them at ease during stressful situations for them. She is pragmatic and clear when giving advice” (Legal 500, 2023 and 2024)
“Susan is very dedicated and has in-depth knowledge of immigration law. Her advocacy is thoughtful and measured. She is particularly attentive to the needs of vulnerable clients and quickly builds a rapport with them.” (Legal 500, 2022)
Susan has a busy practice in all areas of family law and represents privately and publicly funded clients from directions hearings through to contested final hearings. She is regularly instructed in private law finding of fact hearings involving serious allegations, including rape, and in public law proceedings for the local authority. She is also involved in cases of domestic abuse, forced marriage, and those with an immigration element. She regularly advises local authorities in relation to immigration issues within public law proceedings.
She is a sensitive and effective communicator. One lay client said she is “absolutely wonderful and very professional with her work, [a] fantastic lady with big experience and commitment”.
Susan regularly appears in the First Tier and Upper Tribunals and is committed to providing first class representation to those seeking asylum. She is often asked to advise and drafts judicial review claims as well as applications for permission to appeal.
Before coming to the Bar Susan worked for many years as a legal representative for asylum seekers at Refugee and Migrant Justice and in private practice. She is passionate about representing vulnerable individuals and carries out pro bono advocacy for the Manuel Bravo Project and Bail for Immigration Detainees. Her experience working in Central Africa, Iran and Afghanistan provides invaluable background for this work.
“The clients were very happy with the way the appeal was prepared and presented, [and] asked that I extend the family’s thank you to you. I am attaching a copy of the Tribunal’s decision … the appeal was allowed. This is an excellent result in a potentially tricky case with a long and difficult history" (Instructing Solicitor)
Notable Cases
Re X – Represented mother in successful application to terminate a father's parental responsibility. This unusual application was made following the father's conviction for coercive and controlling behaviour and rape of the mother.
Re D – Junior counsel in High Court hearing considering allegations of child sexual exploitation
A v A – Finding of fact dealing with allegations of shooting and attempted kidnap
H v H – Finding of fact successfully represented a father facing allegations of sexual and physical abuse. No findings were made.
N v H –Successfully argued for set-aside of a declaration of trust on the basis of fraud at a preliminary issue hearing in financial remedy proceedings
JG v SSHD – Successfully appealed decision to deport Jamaican national convicted of burglary, appeal then upheld by UT
EB v SSHD – Permission to appeal granted by the UT on basis of application of European case law to article 3 medical case, pending Supreme Court hearing of AM (Zimbabwe)
GK v SSHD – Upper Tribunal allowed human rights appeal of elderly Indian relative, finding paragraph 276ADE(1)(vi) was met. Appeal had been dismissed by First Tier Tribunal.
Advised EEA extended family member who, as a result, obtained residence permit on the basis of the EU Court of Justice case of Lounes
Christopher Styles
Call: 2015
Christopher Styles
University of Oxford
Graduate Diploma in Law (Distinction)
Bar Professional Training Course (Outstanding)
Legal Aid Supplier Number o2EQY
Deputy District Judge
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Christopher joined Broadway House Chambers in September 2015. He is a busy junior practitioner, specialising in the field of public family law.
Legal 500- Leading Junior (2025): 'Fearless with an encyclopedic knowledge of the law. Christopher combines an enviable intellect, a forensic approach, and eloquent, persuasive advocacy with an open and approachable manner with both professional and lay clients.'
Legal 500- Leading Junior (2024): ‘Even in the most difficult and complex cases Christopher’s advocacy is calm under pressure- he is an outstanding and persuasive advocate. He has an uncanny ability to think outside the box and find a way forward.’
Legal 500- Leading Junior (2023): ‘Christopher’s strength is his fierce intelligence, and his ability to persuade the tribunal by using that intelligence eloquently and with considered force. Talented…an absolute star in the making.’
Legal 500- Rising Star (2022): ‘He has a meticulous eye for detail, prepares diligently and provides clear, compelling advocacy- one to watch.’
Christopher is an established family law practitioner, specialising in the representation of parents and children in public law proceedings. He is routinely instructed in cases of gravity- including those involving inflicted injury, sexual abuse, homicide, honour-based violence, cruelty and systematic neglect.
Christopher is an experienced trial advocate and can be relied on to forcefully advocate for clients both in writing and in court. He has a reputation for rigour, with a busy paper practice advising on complex matters of jurisdiction and safeguarding.Christopher understands the unique character of the family jurisdiction. He is trusted by solicitors to advise with both sensitivity and tact.
Notable Cases
Re M (Placement Order) EWCA Civ 214: Representation of a child in complex appellate proceedings relating to international placement and its interplay with the 'nothing else will do' adoptive standard. Submissions on behalf of the child accepted- with grant of a placement order reaffirmed (
A Local Authority (Alleged Honour Based Abuse) [2024] EWFC 177: Representation of a family member in complex proceedings concerning honour-based abuse and its alleged connection to a homicide. Following a ten-day finding of fact hearing the court concluded that the Local Authority had failed to prove any link between the murder and honour-based abuse (
A Local Authority v B & Ors [2024] EWFC 346: Representation of a child following widespread violent disorder in the Harehills area of Leeds. Proposed family placement approved ( Re C [2024]: Representation of a Father accused of physical abuse by way of hitting, use of implements and stress positions. Following cross-examination of the interviewing officer and social worker all allegations were dismissed, with rehabilitation directed. Re NI [2024]: Representation of a Mother accused of killing her husband in the presence of the subject child. Successful proportionality submission, with no adverse findings made against Mother and regular contact directed. Re Y [2023] EWHC 2040: Representation of a child in complex High Court relinquishment proceedings. Guidance given on appropriate procedure and case management ( Re U [2023]: Representation of a Ukrainian military officer in a High Court dispute regarding welfare, the ongoing conflict and jurisdiction. Return to Kiev directed. Re B [2023]: Representation of a young woman accused of forcibly branding a baby with a cigarette. Client exonerated following a six-day trial. Re L [2022]: Representation of a deaf mother with profound cognitive limitations making allegations of child abuse. Allegations upheld following a nine-day trial. Re A [2022]: Representation of a sixteen year old alleging a ‘campaign of rape’ by her own Father. All sought findings made. Re R [2021]: Two-week trial representing a parent accused of shaking an eight month old baby. Medical evidence challenged and no identification findings made. Re S [2021]: Representation of a child following threats from a reality TV star to sell case details to News International. Global reporting injunctions imposed. Re M [2021]: Representation of a father accused of murdering his partner, where the subject child acts as witness for the prosecution. Psychological evidence challenged and placement with family approved Re C [2020]: Representation of a parent at an eleven-day finding of fact encompassing the cross-examination of a seven year old child. Client exonerated and rehabilitation ordered. Re F [2020]: Representation of grandparents opposing a plan of adoption. Kinship assessment successfully challenged, with the court making findings of exaggeration and distortion against the allocated social worker.
Alex Verdan KC
Door Tenant - Call: 1987 | Silk: 2006
Alex Verdan KC (Door Tenant)
B.A. (Hons)
Dip. Law
Deputy High Court Judge 2009
Recorder 2004
Editor Butterworths Family Law Service
T: 01274 722 560 or 0113 246 2600
Alex Verdan KC specialises in complex and serious children cases, particularly those involving high conflict, relocation, child fatalities, significant injuries and serious abuse. Alex also has extensive experience in Inquiries.
Other information:
Alex Verdan KC practises from 4 PB in London, where he has been Head of Chambers since 2002.
In the Family Law field, Alex Verdan KC needs no introduction. He is one of the UK’s foremost children law barristers. He won Chambers & Partners UK’s prestigious Family Law Silk of the Year award in 2012 and 2018. He is ranked as a starred individual in Chambers & Partners and in band 1 in the Legal 500.
Alex joined Broadway House in December 2012.
Alex has been in practice for over 30 years and over that time has built up extensive experience in all types of children cases. The majority of his practice is now in London. Alex regularly lectures at family law conferences and seminars and provides training for judges, solicitors, psychiatrists and social workers. He writes for various publications including Family Law Week, Solicitors Journal and New Law Journal.
Alex Verdan KC specialises in complex and serious children cases, particularly those involving high conflict, relocation, child fatalities, significant injuries, serious abuse, factitious illness, intractable contact disputes. Notably, Alex was instructed by the children in reputedly the longest-running care case in English legal history – with the threshold hearing lasting 5 months – and recently completed a 30-day fact-finding hearing.
He also has extensive experience in Inquiries. Alex represented one of the local authorities in the Victoria Climbié Inquiry, was Counsel to the Isle of Man Commission of Inquiry into the Care of Young People and represented two local authorities in the recent Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse (IICSA). He is a frequent adviser to local authorities on policy issues, and to the media in relation to various aspects of family law.
Notable Cases
Re MY v FY [2020] EWFC 48
Re SX (A Child) [2020] 1573
A Local Authority v Mother & Others [2020] EWHC 1086
Re AB v CD v C [2019] EWHC 1695
Williams v Hackney [2018] UKSC 37
Re AB [2018] EWFC 3
Re L [2017] EWCA Civ 2173
Re C [2017] EWHC 692
Re RA [2016] EWFC 47
Re R [2016] EWCA Civ 1130
Re S [2016] EWCA Civ 1020
Sutton LBC v MH v RH v NH [2016] EWHC 1375
Ciccione v Ritchie [2016] EWHC 616